
You've seen his kids, right?

once upon a miserable time, a customer filled out the tip line with "zero." As in, he took the time to write out the word "zero." My coworker (a hero) told him "next time, why don't you save yourself the ink and just spit in my face."

I know a young lady, Amy, not connected to this restaurant except spiritually, who could have been the server. Amy attends the same program as my 22 yr old son - a "sheltered workshop". And there is a restaurant that employs her. Amy cannot wait, and she cannot bus, and she cannot tend bar, but Amy certainly can host.

i read your first line and didn't read the rest because you're a fucking asshole.

I know! "She is a fan" is the new "Gowns. Beautiful gowns.".

Yooooo... It's so funny when you see a bitch who tried to play you in public and she's just broke and raggedy

I originally skipped that story on purpose... but your comment made me curious enough to read it after all. Now I'm very unhappy.

First things first: You've no doubt heard of genetic sexual attraction, if not by name or abbreviation—GSA—then by concept.

Sexmonsterism aside, how could you possibly take a "Master Bob" seriously? That sounds like the wig you're supposed to copy on your first week of barber school.

no i am annoying af

Imma sit this one out.

Oh for fuck's sake. THIS is the exact type of comment people are talking about when they talk shit about Jezebel commenters.

This is NOT ok.

Does anyone else think John Malkovich is really hot and had a strange crush on him when you were in 4th grade and still super want to bone him in Dangerous Liaisons?

wtf is a fitzwilliam

Whoever okayed that Bruce Jenner cover should go fuck themselves.

It's unclear if Raines suffers from dementia or any other mental health difficulties that might have made him more vulnerable to being scammed.

How old are you? For some of us of "a certain age" he WAS our Thursday Night Father. Black, White, Brown, Blue, Purple...didn't matter...Cliff Huxtable was Dad.

Especially if those boots are currently knocking with Momoa. Bonet and I have similar tastes, she just has more access and/or better incentives.