Wrong. The true reward of trivia is showing your superiority over your competitors.
Very few indeed. Except boxing, which somehow makes for FILM.
In fairness to Engvall, “Here’s your sign” was his bit way before anyone outside Florida had heard of Larry the Cable Guy. I remember someone with it printed on a t-shirt in the late 90s in Georgia.
I feel the same way about Broadway remakes of movies, but those are wildly popular too.
Best I could come up with was “she was once thinly imitated on an episode of The Boondocks”.
BW was the first theater movie more me, but I’ll go see The Green Knight next week.
If you’re in a relatively low-case area like me, you can see it in the theater like I did last night. Three other people in the the place. It was a good time.
Oh I knew it was Krennic.
Well they still needed to steal the blueprints. Hard to find a 2 m hole on a moon visually.
It’s only 2 meters! That’s impossible, even for a computer!
I agree, sounds to me like we should be making more movies with Donnie Yen and fewer Star Wars!
That’s not a plot hole, it's a design flaw. Happens all the time.
Well, I also liked Mendelsohn's bad guy.
Yeah, what did Star Wars ever do that was weird, ever, besides including Muppets?
Donnie Yen's character is not a Jedi for Reasons but is obviously more capable than any Jedi yet on screen.
He does see that the way leads to a jihad that sweeps across the galaxy and seeks to prevent it. But then at the end he goes "fuck it, let's get some revenge".
Look at that still. Are we sure that’s Seth Rogen and not a cleaned-up Tom Waits?
The first Broadway show I ever attended was Spamalot, which was pretty good but taught me you could just watch the movie for the millionth time instead of the cash-in.
The Rainmaker!