
I get what you're saying, and don't disagree with you. It's just that some others in here and I are not as trustful of Lindelof as you may be. I am just saying that strange events and amazing happenings should not be random and seemingly unrelated, but rather have some relation to a larger story arc that has a

That was a reference to last year, as was Nora's "I hire prostitutes to shoot me" shocking reveal. I didn't take it as a recent, recurring problem - only what we saw last year, which is probably why you made the reference about the audience forgetting that.

So, between the time Kevin left the BBQ at the Murphys, even interacting with the girls who were there to pick up Evie, he went home with Jill and Nora, went to sleep, then sleepwalked to the sink hole, tied a cinder block to his leg and threw himself in? How did he get there? Did he drive? If so, where's his car?

It was a result of Jade Helm 15. They were right all along.

Lindelof guarantees that's not it!

I see what you did there.

Yeah, what was up with that bride with the hose?

Needful Things

Why not illuminate us? I think I misunderstood it to a similarly horrible degree, too, and find Pas' concern to be a valid one, considering the source.

"Jacob"? As in LOST, Jacob?


"The way the show jumps around in time is compelling."; "that had to be either a flash forward or flash backward, right?"; "a flash forward seems plausible."

I think I agree with you. With Lindelof, you never know. Up is down, down is sideways, and time and dimensions are not fixed. If he tries that crap again, I'm out of here. To be honest, I was feeling a twinge of that when that opening scene almost lasted ten minutes, and will probably never be referenced again, and

Agreed, but then again, that would be trying to understand Dome "logic". lol

LOL. I wonder why nobody ever thought of doing that before Julia did. I've never heard of a reporter who is as multifaceted as Julia (her skills are too numerous to list here), though investigation isn't her strong suit - she had no clue what her husband was up to, right under her nose before the dome came down, but

There goes someone using logic again. This is Under the Dome - logic does not apply. Besides, they've only been there three weeks, and they found that huge stash of food out at that farm. If not, it's a freakin' alien - it probably eats whatever the hell it wants!

First, I'm sorry. I was not schooled in "Magic alien queen babies'" physiology. Second, Barbie DID pull out a knife.

Baby formula, perhaps?

You are trying to apply logic to Under the Dome. We all know how logic "works" UTD. lol But all good questions nonetheless.
