
"Christine arrives on the scene to finish off Eva with a pillow over the face." This was one of the most bonehead scenes of the night (and that's saying a LOT!). Apparently, on that LONG "100,000 light year trip from her doomed planet, "Christine" had so much time on her hands that she learned ALL the obscure lyrics

The Nazi alliance was strategic, opening up the entire Pacific Theater, hoping to tie up the US long enough for Hitler to invade England, but it didn't work out in the end.

They can lock her up, too - for

Hard to know, since the story focused on Magpie, but you are correct about the fact that the Soviets had a spy in Los Alamos.

Just ask Karen Silkwood about plutonium poisoning. Oh, yeah, you can't, because it's fatal.


Sorry, I didn't read his name more carefully! Duh! That would also explain the lack of gender "sensitivity". Hasta la vista, meatbag!


"Broads"? Are you posting from 1930?

As I said before, it's fiction, so interpretation is in the eyes of the beholder. Your definition of how the GR "perceives" things as THEY believe they "should be", and unilaterally decides that everyone else is "doing themselves and others (including the departed) a disservice by 'moving on' from the Departure"

I guess where I was coming from was that I found it highly unsympathetic that they purchased a "town's worth" of grotesque "meat puppets" to replace the "departed" citizens to force those left behind to "remember". I found that to be an incredibly cruel act which showed no compassion, empathy, or humanity. If they

"The more the GR story and characters are allowed to develop, I can't see how they wouldn't be more sympathetic."

Thank you!

I agree with your assessment, however, there are over 1,250 comments. Even though the majority of them hate the review, I wonder if AV Club likes the attention.

I see what you did there. lol

I think your description would apply to ALL hate crimes. What's your point?

Apparently, you are correct. It's interesting how far off the topic this "non-review review" has led to over 1,000 comments, the most of which (that I read) seem to be fueled by the reviewer's personal politics. Granted, I could not read all 1,200+ comments, so if someone does the math and "most" comments are not

I am assuming that you are being sarcastic. If not, how desperate are YOU to assert such a thing? If you are being sarcastic, never mind.

George - Thanks for the head's up. The review you recommended is far superior to any that I have read about this show so far. It is insightful, informative, and intellectually sound. It is the type of thought-provoking analysis that gives the show some clarity, in spite of all its ambiguities.

I am amazed at how quickly a discussion about a fictional TV (I know - it's not TV, it's HBO!) show digressed into 1) Rants about the reviewer 2) A seemingly endless argument about what is and what is not the definition of a hate crime (which is subjective in the context of a fictional story) 3) A discussion about