He’s wrong. More clickbait.
He’s wrong. More clickbait.
More Clickbait.
I’m guessing this article is an early April Fools joke?
Your point being: Ugly Sells
Finally got my first comment approved so you could snark.
5,467-pound weight. lol. No battery?
A close relative to a tochscreen.
Imagine if the guy were married...
Complementary, NOT Complimentary. JFC
As long as it takes you to spellcheck retina.
Boeing = Intel
I smell a MAGA stench emanating from this loser.
But what’s the MPG?
He takes a nice mugshot at least.
But but but.... Obummer! Lol
Timing belt. Lol
Musk is The New American SuperDousche
MAGA strikes again.