
The story wasnt the problem, it had potential to be really a perfect movie. But how they put it together... was not good. Decker didnt need to fight that long iwth Joe... they could talk more, they could add more philosophy.. more interesting talk and perspectives. It was too focused in action and explosion or just

The script was not that great... I was disappointed. I really expectecd more. So much didnt make sense.

I found it so dumb... how they introduced “the resistance”, how they fight when they meet, how there are too many fight and explosion scenes and so little talk, how replicants are killing police members and everyone without so much of a consequence. How “Joe” is recovering and goes back to save Decker... Wallace

20000 has it on Steam... 20000 x 20-30 euros. Well... taking in consideration we got for PC an inferior version vs Xbox One (with kinect support). ... not bad.

Actually I will get Just Dance 2018 if they release for PC... I have a Switch but I really like kinect and since Xbox One has it, I really dont get why they develop inferior versions of a console game for PC... I bought Just Dance 2017 on steam last year... I was really disappointed to find out we didnt get the Kinect

My gf and all her friends... :)

SO we get a Wii and Wii U version but not a PC version? are they kidding? I will only buy if they release for PC...

Where Can I BUY Just Dance 2018 for PC? WIll it have kinect 2 support?.. I was really disappointed with 2017 without kinect support for PC but had it for Xbox one...

It is not piracy :)

One looks washed out (Switch) and kinda like this faded lack of ink magazine pro photo effect. The other feels colourful, saturated, higher contrast and sharp. I really prefer the PC version, the saturation can be fixed by adjusting the monitor saturation, and then everything is perfect. :)

Dragon ball Legends for the Sega Saturn and PSX, so many good memories. This is my n1 and fav Dragon ball video game.

The game should have a 3d printing option :)

Unexpected :D great game!

whitewash the cast? in ghost in the shell I saw, afro, asiatic, western, etc characters... its a movie made by a western company... I would say that I was really surprised by the variety of characters, colors of skin, races, etc... it was an awesome movie. I really think internet is the end of our civ..its the place

In which side of the roll is the poop looking better?

It was his idea to have it that way, ... it is normal that everyone will put their own version afterwards, the same thing with Mobas ... but they dont need to worry, fortnite looks boring, like those mobile phone games :/

Visually, i find it boring... I like more the appealing of PUB

You all speak like those 80 years old granpas/granmas ... this is how we did it when we had ... :) Oh well, times change... communication mediums change but in the end it’s all the same “reaction” :D

better off muesli :P

Some people voices sound like that in real life