When I read the comments here at kotaku, I only see saints, angels, priest faithful and perfect examples of human beings..... what a beautiful world.
When I read the comments here at kotaku, I only see saints, angels, priest faithful and perfect examples of human beings..... what a beautiful world.
He is an Alien, from second earth far away from our galaxy.
Make Final Fantasy turn based again... it was so much fun back in the days. Now it feels like a slasher... devil may cry or something... close to that.
Never heard about this game before, if it wouldn’t be for Pewdiepie, I wouldnt even spend a minute to check it... it’s a indie company trying to take advance of a cheap marketing manoeuvrer... it seems to be working in their favour... nice advertisement . Now I am sure that I will never support them... They are the…
Why do you play video games? You could be trying to achieve something in real life but you are in a virtual world achieving virtual goods that are worth nothing. :P Answer to your question: He just wants to spend time... and have fun achieving it.
Currently playing League of Legends and Sonic Mania :)
Can’t wait for the worlds! :)
White chocolate or Dark chocolate, both are good, inclusive the milk chocolate :) Yeam chocolate, if you like supremacist brand, I like Lindt White Lindt and Dark Lindt yeammie... ;)
he got money :D
Really nice way to show-off your cosplay! Hardwork there :) well done.
Great sinergy between Zven and Mithy! :) Origen lost their best players to G2 :)
windows store is not awful, it’s just a digital store... i play KI3 as much as I play SFV on Steam... what matters is the game... the store is just a distribution method... if it works.. why bother about the store...
kids lyric... looks it was made by a girl in the 5th grade... or something..
Why dont we have a gamescom kotaku special... like E3...
I will buy it on steam :)
Because those games sell... digital to-do lists :) Ppl need some reason in life... so lets give them a to do list :P
RIOT designers are really good! I am always amazed with the details and art direction :)
awesome! :)
Now they should just release a fighter that would cover the full screen... like, you win...
In a gaming forum or not, asking or thinking of killing is already sign of a person with serious mental problems, something is not ok with him, he’s sick... it’s good that he was not ignored, many times people ignore such threats thinking that he’s just a vindictive nerd who is frustrated with his losses in a…