Depending on how much you intend to learn the game and play it to the limits of its design, yes it will be the same thing.
Depending on how much you intend to learn the game and play it to the limits of its design, yes it will be the same thing.
Battlefield 1 also has awful gunplay. I will admit it’s some of the most “satisfying” I’ve experienced with its sense of impact and sound design. However, how the guns handle, the terrible range limitations, crazy lag compensation, and bullet sponge damage models make the game way less fun than it should be. You…
I already crapped out a long post to someone else, but I love live action. I like all forms of media. What I don’t like are poor fundamentals. Just as I wouldn’t like a bad drawing or painting where the proportions are inconsistent, I wouldn’t like a poorly directed, written, acted movie. Sorry to put it so bluntly,…
I meant to add this to the longer post.
I’m glad you did say something; thanks for articulating a proper argument!
I wholeheartedly agree with Lozzle. I saw both the Death Note movies. They were very bad even if you adhered to the lowest of cinematic standards.
I was going to recommend this video to some of the other ignorant posters here. The anime is “fine,” at times horrible. It’s not Tezuka Award winning good like it deserves, or well even good overall. For all Miura has achieved, it’s honestly insulting.
Does anyone know what song that is in the trailer or what the motif is based off of? I’ve always loveeeeeddddddddd that song from the game. Despite how much respect and fervor I have for Japanese composers, I highly doubt it is an entirely original song.
It’s my tremendous interest in Japanese music that kinda leads…
I will concede, most people won't notice it nor find it an issue. However, whether you notice it or not doesn't mean it isn't affecting your gameplay. Ignorance does not justify lowered standards of quality.
Not trying to come at your or anything, just your original comment was attenuating a legitimate issue from…
You're referring to a completely different form of input lag that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. The response time of a controller is rarely considered due to standardized peripherals across consoles, and because even quality pc peripherals respond within 1ms.
You do not have to be a "professional" fighting…
Yes, and any fighting game player worth his salt can detect ~2 frames of lag. Many combos in Street Fighter 4 have 1 frame window for it to connect, these can be pulled off reliably with the proper equipment. There are very different standards for, "perceivable" lag in fighting games.
I mean, I'm not gonna lie the whole video is somewhat suspect. But it could just be incredibly poor presentation, them just throwing together a video and a crap blog template website. 50k is... kind of low for a game of this scale.... would be a real easy goal to meet and run away with............…
It's not real? How so? They reused assets for the video, anything past that?
Put up $60, no regrets. I am so ready to get chased by a mutant boar into a lake of irradiated water and grow a second face. Bol'shoye spasibo!
The most terrible thing about this whole situation is that people don't even know what a white man looks like apparently. He is multiracial at the very least. Look at his eyes for Christ sake. Truly, unfathomably moronic stuff.