
Fisting sisters is a noble past time in my homeland.

Yup, I saw the comment. I was also struck by how many comments defending Ramsay - starting w/Lindy's - felt seemingly compelled to drag in some ideological justification for the attraction. ("He's nice to low-wage workers... he sponsors women's races" etc etc).

I would think he's hot if he weren't such a douche.

It's not every guy who can buy 14 Ferraris, seduce his wife away from a good friend, skip the birth of all his children because he didn't want his image of his wife's body sullied by labor, lie viciously about his competitors... and still win the collective heart of the Jez commentariat.

Because it's actually the topic of this whole post, and the feminist implications of it seem germane on a nominally feminist website? If your point is that I and everybody else should probably get off the internet and do something more useful, I guess sure. But I don't see how this isn't on topic.

Just going to note that your post celebrating him is not a celebration of him being nice, but a series of gifs of him being a complete ass.

Yeah we love him in Australia after he came and called one of our high profile news reporters a "pig" and a "lesbian" and "badly in need of Botox" but it was all a JOKE if course, can't you take a joke? Besides she was a woman and being really shrill and pushy so who cares, right? The man is a tool.

I don't know. I have no idea what he is like in real life, but on TV he is so, so, so abusive. Its just unpleasant to watch. Not that it would be acceptable in any job, but—dude, you cook. You don't save lives. Why are you acting like it's life or death because someone messed up a dish? I could understand an ER doctor, Ramsay called the chef from his fancy British restaurant a "‘f****** black b******’....What on earth is the B word?

The first reply post to this article starts with a gif of him shouting "you fucking donkey" at someone on the show. And agrees that he's sexy.

Hi. I'm the only one here who does not find him attractive in the slightest. I like his show, though.

I support your crushing on whoever you crush on.

Now playing

Cry of Fear looks more impressive in my opinion.

This has been throughly mocked online in China.

Might be good exercise...but it doesn't really help against the smog!

If only either of those trailers were funny.

And there's already a good online shooter with good humor, TF2.

That reminded me of a very lame attempt at a Aperture Industries Fake Ad.

I feel the same way. Titanfall feels like CoD with mechs and I really hate CoD or any other FPS that the only thing u do is shooting.

I feel like the only person in the world that is not impressed by this game. I think the Division and Destiny look far better.

Maybe something is wrong with me, I should get checked. :/

However, any man who does so without his wife in the room is bordering on homosexuality activity, particularly if he's watching himself in a mirror and being turned on by his own male body.

The thing that slayed me was Boehner's quote about referring to women as "females". Wow, good start on "reaching out", dumbfuck.