
Scathing? What the hell is penny arcade, and why is it so important that a negative opinion of it is considered scathing? All I know about them is that their comics for Kotaku's sunday comics have never made me laugh even once in the last few years.

You just said in one paragraph what took me 4 paragraphs to do below. I think you win, hands' down.

Argh! Just re-read and I realized I forgot to say what I set out to say:

Ah yes, the great shipping solution: OT3s.

You read a lot of grammar books huh? Anyway blonde can refer to any girl with fair hair it doesn't have to be "Blond" per se just very fair so a light haired brunette could be considered blonde.

Oh for fuck's sake. Your post is one giant eye-roll. It doesn't change the fact that his hair looks terrible.

I feel that the book handled this Peeta/Gale thing really well, putting her IN a relationship WITH neither (until the end). For most of her story, she lives in relationship TO the characters, where survival and not love, is her primary goal.

Well that's not where I saw this article going.

And no, there's nothing weird about liking big. We're allowed to have preferences. We're also allowed to discuss these preferences, as long as we don't shit on what we don't like.

As a lady: you're exactly right. And I feel bad, because not many people are going to admit (on this site) that you're right. It really, really makes me sad when feminists disregard social pressures put on men. This is not cool. Yes, ladies, we can all go on hours-long rants about the pressures men put on women, the

If you're all up for grading men on their dicks, then why do you whine about how women are judged and mocked for their physical qualities in the same comment.

Well, I have to say that's disappointing. I know women face tremendous pressure as far as body type, appearance, and so on even if they are thin, conventionally attractive, and etc. I also know that women generally feel like they face far more pressure than men in this regard, and maybe that's true. I don't think that

OK, let me put one thing to rest - I'm not concerned at all about my personal size. What I'm concerned about is the idea that it's perfectly OK for both the blogger and the commenters to go on and on about big dicks, then think it's all covered by throwing in an "it's not really important" when obviously that's bs.

I'm not going to sit here and explain to you why penis enlargement is an inherently more complicated procedure than breast enlargement. The difference should be plainly evident to anyone who's taken a high school anatomy course. I'm also not going to sit here and explain to you why there would be more R&D poured into

Look at these comments. People are assuming that because I'm concerned about the issue I must have a small dick. Next thread over is wink wink nudge nudge stuff about being happy living in places high on the list, reminiscing about the biggest dick ever seen, etc. Visible or not, men are judged by their dick size and

I get your point, and I tend to agree - even if men's sites do feature similar articles, both probably shouldn't.

Objectification is objectification.

It is a big deal, both culturally and sexually. And it's ok for women to make comments about a guy's package, with some kind of off-hand disclaimer that well, it's not actually important. It is though - it's constantly brought up, and big = positive while small = negative. I know women don't enjoy being rated by their

We do?

This is okay, whereas linking to 'A Handy State-By-State Guide to Tit Size' would be considered inappropriate and mocked on this site.