
Well only Kotaku have been shitting on Killzone actually, Destructoid, Eurogamer, etc all gave much much better reviews that actually delved into the game besides imply resorting to 'Hurr I shot someone...Hurr I melee'd' Like Evans craptastic 'review' Not to mention he has actively despised Killzone since the

The Killzone review is bias as the reviewer has openly admitted he doesn't like the series previously.

Depends on what you mean by the "full" PS4 experience. I don't consider remote play on the Vita or using the camera to be necessary to the enjoyment of the PS4. Also, PS Plus offers a bunch of free games.

Killzone: Shadow Fall reviews appear to be falling into two camps: those who praise the game for allowing players a more open, Dishonored-esque approach to combat and those who write it off as more of the same.

I was just about to make the same comment.

Lmao you wont find anyone on the industry that appreciates sony franchises, I can sum up every review of shadow fall "this isnt call of duty, a game where the story has never made sense ever. Sure we gave that a 9, lets give killzone a 7"

So Battlefield AND Call of Duty got "Not Yets" (maybe yeses, haven't gone back to check) for doing EVERYTHING the same but Shadow Fall gets a No.

Thank you for being rude to all of us women who are tall or for whatever reason have large enough hands which we can't help or get surgery on. Thanks for calling us mannish. But god forbid anyone make a comment about the obese needing to take better cate or not be outraged that a yoga company doesn't carry size 16

It's not just annoying and inconvenient; man hand-designed phones are actually interfering with women's ability to be journalists.

Really? Is this a real issue we're discussing here? Please tell me those is one of those joke issues/articles we all kind of laugh at. I mean nobody is forcing you to buy a massive phone, they come in many sizes.

Oh God. This is really a stretch, even by Jezebel standards.

Well, clearly he's a woman or you're a man. It's science.

All men have huge hands and all women have small hands, because biotruths.

The first rule of rape club is, you're a terrible fucking human being for being in rape club.

Please stop writing anything anywhere forever.

What the hell is this?

Ya being the first state to legalize gay marriage really is some backwoods southern shit

Because the devs didn't warn people "you are buying an unfinished game" before asking them to spend $15 on this?

Yeah, I know it's a seriously touchy thing around here not to believe a woman when she claims she's been a victim of rape but Madonna is a total fame whore who is fading out of the spotlight, she'll do anything to stay in it and like you said, this would have come out a long time ago if it were true.

I don't believe her. There is NOTHING Madonna wouldn't have done or said to get attention early in her career. If this were true, we'd have known about it for 30 years already.