Referencing Nickleback as a bad band is cliched and thoughtless.
Referencing Nickleback as a bad band is cliched and thoughtless.
haha yeh, it is indeed wankery.
If a man wrote a piece that defined what it is to be a woman this site would implode but this is ok I guess.
Thanks for the advice. I'll read whatever I like, though. I'm sure you'll do the same.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. Are you sure you're not checking the size and density and perkiness of her boobs while she's running your credit report?
Yeah, that's absolutely correct. I live not far from you — the MD suburbs of DC — and it's true here, too. And it's true pretty much everywhere. "Your paycheck does not define you" is one of those things that sounds great, but doesn't happen in real life. It's not as simple as gold-digging. That's far too simplistic…
You're a dude if you say you're a dude.
Hey you guys, just to be clear, me criticizing something you like is not me "shaming" you. I have no problem with chain restaurants—I didn't call for Red Lobster and Olive Garden to be eradicated from the face of the earth, and I've actually gotten shit right here on this blog for coming to the defense of McDonalds.
My white lady tears are more focused on the fact that now I want popcorn and we don't have any :(
Maybe the fact they can't fucking deliver it—to their own "backers"—on day one? That's kind of amateurish, right?…
When did "creative freedom" and "making the game he wants to make" become "unable to have consumers to question or critique said work"? People have their rights to judge and speak their mind on someone's work.
She speaks not a word and looks provocative...a literal object. Great job reinforcing gamer stereotypes, Kojima-san. Is Team Ninja hiring for their next game and you want to get in on that?
Stereotypes are OK when they're of a group you don't belong to!
I got the results of the test back. I definitely have all 6 items.
You have to admit it is a weird dichotomy though, if you are ok with your body then why do you need validation from strangers online?
I'm leaning toward the Razer side of it. This quote is a little harsh but I agree with the gist:
Does posting a makeup-free picture online aid in "real" empowerment?