Because they're not sociopathic assholes?
Because they're not sociopathic assholes?
His excuse that he was just "three sheets to the wind" isn't going to help.
Actually, Rubio and Cruz are horrible faces to put forward as the "Latin face of the Republican party".
Our parish priest recently read an anti-abortion (well, anti-women, really) letter from the bishop. Looking around as he read it, in an attempt to keep my head from exploding as my blood pressure skyrocketed, I realized my spouse and maybe one girl there with her grandparents were the only women of child-bearing age…
You know you’re old when you watch this and think from the perspective of a parent. There’s no way I’m buying you this expensive useless crap.
If I held up a picture of myself from ten years ago it would be a cautionary tale showing kids that in their future they too could be 70 pounds heavier with 70% less hair. It would be the "You Really Let Yourself Go" Project.
If your whole shtick is "lookit me, I'm angry grrrr" then I think you fall more into the category of Stage Performer than Accredited Journalist.
Yup. "Annoyed gamer" falls into the same bracket. The last thing this medium/community needs is shock jocks.
I admit I don't know Beer beyond this story, really, and while I sympathise with Fish I see how he handles these things badly. But. The "Annoyed Gamer". Doesn't anybody else find these constant tropes of annoyed/angry/cynical game reviewers, who really ham up these negative traits for video, liberally swearing and…
I said it the other day, and I'll reiterate: there is a tremendous problem with people who refer to themselves as Angry/Annoyed/Sarcastic/Whatever. The people whose entire raison d'etre is basically to bitch about things. They are utterly useless. Sure, sometimes they're funny, and sometimes they're saying what we're…
You also don't spend three minutes personally attacking someone's character because they didn't want to comment on a rumor, then call for the industry to tell those two people to ignore them entirely.
The whole thing boiled down to Beer acting like a whiny child.
Beer: "Hey Fish, say something about this Indie issue.
Fish: "..."
Beer: "Talk about it."
Fish: "..."
Beer: "C'moooonnn, say something! I want you to give me a quote about this thing"
Fish: "..."
Beer: "Fuck you, you wanker! you're a dick! An asshole! A…
Aside from my asshole-ness, the thing I've noticed as a growing trend in forums and websites that allow comments, like Kotaku and Yahoo, is the need to tell people off by disproving their claim in the most heated manner.
You know, for someone who hates "people like Phil Fish", you certainly are acting similarly:
Oh, I know. I just have severe problems with Beer and people like him. He created and assisted in the escalation of the situation.
I absolutely despise people who operate under "Angry" or "Annoyed" pseudonyms because I find that they take their schtick too far. Plus, sometimes they just kind of suck at actual criticisms and stuff.
This is the real problem with the video game industry and internet/videogame culture as a whole. It's all a bunch of manchildren (myself included at times, I will freely admit). Any time someone disagrees, it creates this ridiculous behavior of becoming children. Children. Because an adult would deal with their…
I offer up a sarcastic "Great Job"to that annoying gamer dude. You know what would be really annoying? Having no more good games to play. Leave the indie/original developers alone so they can keep gaming alive because big business is already doing its damnedest to destroy it.
All of them grab at the cameras. That's basically how all celebrities go at the paparazzi