
I'm on a grand total of 5 orgasms (three from the same friend, i have no idea, i told him he has to do me forever) but anyway, i've never faked and i normally make it clear it's pretty unlikely. I agree completely with this article because i honestly think the problem with most the people i've slept with is the people

I think a lot of people (both religious and atheist) find it hard to grasp this concept of an atheist who isn't making some sort of statement and isn't actively rejecting something. Not believing in something isn't necessarily a political statement, especially if you've been raised in a very secular environment. In

Well, then I will say I hope there are more like you! My fear is that most men will give lip service to what you're saying - and, in fact, they probably even believe it at first - that they only want their partner to be happy, but when it comes down to it, they probably can't take a relationship where they never get

So you LEGITIMATELY would not be bothered if your partner never or only very, very, very rarely orgasmed during sex of any kind? If that's true, I hope there are more men out there like you and I'm the wrong one thinking that there are very few who could honestly say that scenario wouldn't eventually bother them.

Important issue that wasn't mentioned: if you fake it you put more pressure on the rest of us.

I very much agree with you about communication and different techniques being good for different people. However, when I was in college, I was with a number of men that seemed to think pounding away at a vagina with their dick was enough to make women have an organism, and when I asked it was because it worked on all

This is where you talk about what you need to have a good time. Not necessarily to have an orgasm; just to have as much fun as you want. If having an orgasm is important every time, you gotta help us guys out so we can cross that finish line and sexually high five.

I gotta say that as bad as my last relationship was

My SO will fake orgasms when we're just doing a quickie for fun. We both know she's doing it, but I'm easy to please. Just the fact that she's play acting for my benefit is really sweet and turns me on. Telling the difference is also really easy, because fake O's are loud and outrageous. Real O's are nearly silent

Don't encourage the MRAs :(

Is the quote "savvy young things" referring to younger women? A man who can't take direction from female superiors doesn't need to be mourned. Good riddance. Also the term "young thing" to refer to women (as it usually does, hence my assumption above) needs to go away. It's offensive. Women are people, not objects.

I love to hate-read David Brooks but sometimes it feels too easy! He's inside a bubble inside a bubble inside a bubble. I doubt he has even spoken to a low-income white man, not to mention a low-income man of color, in the past year or so. And by speak, I mean to have a long conversation with about what's "happening"

"Men are the only people who don't want to be humiliated."

Seriously? This is beyond a false equivalence. THESE ARE NOT MODELS THEY ARE ORDINARY MEN. One of them is an old man for fucks sake.

We're grooving on masculine competence, as demonstrated by the unpretentious work clothing. That's actually the exact opposite of Victoria's Secret.

No. He only spoke at Romney's gathering because Romney was the only one who responded. He wrote Prez too. He made sure to specify during his talk that he was ONLY there to spread his message about tradespeople and such, and it wasn't a political stance. Believe me, it broke my heart when I originally thought he was

Duluth Trading Co. ..and we are out there :)

That's too bad. My wife is all kinds of hot when she's wearing her Dickies, a long sleeve shirt with a lumber yard logo, and covered in sawdust. A proper fitting pair of Carhartt pants woud just be amazing...

What if we want a Carhartt girlfriend? :(

isn't he a republican? deal breaker for me

As long as you don't go "This manly lifestyle is for men. Women should stay in the log cabin" I think you're golden.