Because America is weirdly puritannical when it comes to sex and sexuality. Violence? Good for children! A single butt cheek? Better slap an NC-17 rating on that baby.
Because America is weirdly puritannical when it comes to sex and sexuality. Violence? Good for children! A single butt cheek? Better slap an NC-17 rating on that baby.
The whole burnout u-turn preceding that on a public road without taking the time to make sure there was no one coming makes him a douchebag.
He stuck around, admitted he was wrong and offered up an explanation as to why. Hardly seems that douchey to me. Shit...If I had a dollar for all the “fuck boys and girls” I contend with on a daily basis Id have a Lambo by week’s end.
“I will own your bank account. I will own your house.”
Sorry, I hold my breath when I write so by the time I got to the end I was basically blacking out.
The other reason for moving the car, LaSha told me, was that her husband wanted to show that it could be done after his friend voiced some doubts.
Ditto. You don’t just get on a bike and not accept the risk involved. If you do get on one and not understand/ignore/not respect said risk, you’re going to be a Darwin Award waiting to happen (looking at you, squids who do 160+ through traffic).
I don’t think it’s fair, or decent, to call them selfish.
Since when? There are a TON of sacrifices you need to make when you start a family. Giving up high risk activities should be pretty high on that list.
What, pray tell, would be the time or place for this according to Lavaine, who is apparently the arbiter and grand justice highmarshal of internet conversation doctrine? An article that has nothing to do with people dying on motorcycles? Or perhaps just this article when it’s stale and off the front page so nobody…
It’s not because you have kids you have to stop doing what makes you happy.
I ride and understand the risk and accept it. But yeah you got a point about that insurance. I wouldnt want my family to go broke just because I get turned into a grease spot.
Preach. Unfortunately any fucking moron can have a kid. Society has no say. But society sure does have to pick up the slack when their dumb fucking decisions back fire.
On that note, I’m glad the grandparents are taking care of the kids. Sad situation all around. And glad people chose to step up and help.
K. I’ll go comment on an article unrelated to people dying on motorcycles.
I can’t understand taking the risk of riding a motorcycle. I REALLY can’t understand taking the risk of riding a motorcycle when you have a 3 and 6 year old at home. And finally, if you are selfish enough to take those risks, why wouldn’t you have one hell of an insurance policy so that you family doesn’t have to…
In fairness: “...asking the judiciary to assess whether the gesture of Fenati can configure any relevant criminal offenses, including that of attempted murder...”
Well if she goes to NYU for med school it’ll be free!!