
“... facts don’t ACTUALLY matter to them”

Hometown!  I got to sit in the traffic jam created by that gaffe.

Because that’s not really how sponsorships work. Think of it like paying for billboard space. Doesn’t matter if it’s the biggest or best billboard, just matters that people see it and it gets you or your product attention. Your car can finish dead last in a race, but if enough people see your logo and spend money on

it’s sorta like pickup trucks-- the clean one’s aren’t the one’s that get used like a truck!

Just another car to fix in their shop but it’s going to take Sue at least 2 weeks to get the crap stains out of the upholstery and it’s going to cost extra.

Ironic that this is the first hellcat I’ve seen without splitter protectors in a while and it could have used them.

“So if you’re going to pull a random rant about a dead guy remotely related to cars who used to date underage girls...”

Nobody is calling him Jimmy Saville, that man was a literal rapist and the devil incarnate. But it’s not great, and it’s worse because he’s Paul Walker. When it’s some middling dude with no prospects who winds up with a 16 year old because they’re impressionable and fall or an older man then while it is creepy and

When? Never, because the same reason nobody on Jalop addresses another dead loser, Henry Ford. People tend not to throw dirt on the dead, because it’s just not as cathartic. Because they’re now dead, nobody cares.

Less than half his age?

Maybe this is just me speaking for myself, but I think dating someone less than half your age is intrinsically creepy.

So this won’t be popular but screw it. It was wrong for him to date girls under 18. He should have been punished for it, and it’s a shame he wasn’t. However, this just doesn’t have the same creepy vibe that Michael Jackson or Jimmy Saville had.

It makes no sense. I feel like he giving Lexus grief but no other marker where almost every other car marker makes a sport model of almost every single car and SUV.

I am ashamed that I can hear that in a perfect Vin-voice in my head.

The Fast and Furious at Surge Pricing and Bullshit Cleanup Charges.

The next generation of Fast and the Furious will just be a ride-share app.

This isn’t the Fast n Furious we want, but it is the Fast N Furious we deserve.

Now, if you excuse me, I’m going to the lobby to get some Tide-Pods and a coke.

And they’ll still shift.

In the millennial version of Fast and the Furious, every car has a CVT.