
Your “highest median wage” is just an epiphenomenon of the high exchange value of the U.S. dollar relative to other currencies. Being wealthy doesn’t mean “I have lots of currency,” it means “I can afford lots of goods and services.” If the median income American is so rich, then why is his health care so markedly

“This encourages entrepreneurship and historically made the US a magnet for the world’s most talented people.”

Wow, you bought into the corporate cool-aid hook line and sinker didn’t you.

You have a lot of good points there, thanks for taking the time to type out such a well-thought response.

Forced induction is a good solution but its tough getting the naturally aspirated VE much higher even on a 4v engine so better heads without a substantial change in design (GM did design a badass pushrod 3v head but deemed the effort to costly for the gains involved - don’t know how they stacked up in cost but the

Volvo trucks are just the bomb! I have quit two companies because they took my Volvo away and tried to force me into a Freightliner or International. I was met with disbelief by my boss both times. I don’t know why they didn’t believe me. I warned them, and then walked into their office and quit on the spot when they

The pushrod V8 is hitting a wall. Its becomng physically impossible to cram more air through a 2v arrangement and still meet durability and emissions requirements.

If Dodge is doing it, maybe it’s time to move on...

Pretty much every vehicle out there has a little arrow on the fuel gauge showing which side the filler is located. Hell, my ‘78 Fairmont has one.

I have to think about it. I know which side the filler is on each of my cars, but I have to remind myself when I’m pulling into the gas station.

Ummmm... how dafuq does someone forget WHAT SIDE THEIR CAR’S GAS FILLER IS ON?!?!?

I hoist the nerd flag high (and put instantaneous and trip MPG on whatever display is available).

I mean, I’m an engineer so blatant nerdity is to be expected. I also drive a lot, so I really wanted to know how much it actually costs me.

Actually, this is a traffic simulation from the game Cities Skylines (think SimCity). TMPE and NeXT are traffic mods to add more control to traffic flow in the game.