
While that’s true, with the Volvo program you’re starting from zero at the end of 2 years. If you decide to buy a car, you have the entirety of the loan ahead of you whereas if you buy a car outright, you’ve already gotten through 2 years of it.

$250k/$500k is not nearly enough coverage in the ultra litigious US with the worlds most expensive healthcare system.

Yeah, that lease would work if you don’t have to drive very much. We looked into a similar lease offer on a different car, and the monthly payment doubled when we chose a mileage limit that matched our commute.

36 months, 7,500 miles per year on the s90 lease

The true hero of the piece is David “No Jeep Left Behind” Tracy who ignored the gunfire to walk out into no man’s land and fix the poor jeep’s broken wheel.

Actually had a lady in front of me in the drive-through the other day who paid for my breakfast; nothing better than free food...except for free beer, but 8 AM’s a little early to be drinkin’ and drivin’.

That’s just to be polite.

One has a Loon on it, the other is worth twice as much as a Loonie. ( I know, that makes little sense. )

It’s all on a card now, funny money is gone.

“makes it sound like you’re talking about Monopoly money“

Ah yes, the old “Schrodinger’s Cop” problem.

What are these people all bent out of shape about?

Blaming the video game is so Fox News circa 2001.

He also spit and kicked them. Guess these state troppers are not psychopaths and saw that it was a kid

Black and 10 years old and you made them chase you for an hour and didnt even get beaten or shot? If NASCAR was serious about diversity they could just sign this kid up

Thank goodness OHIO STATE TROOPERS are well trained to not shoot a black kid unless justified.

What’s the over/under on a mysterious technical glitch taking 2 of their cars out of contention, their 3rd suffers a crash at the hands of a GTE Am Ferrari, and privateers filling the podium?

They have to finish in order to win, right? I wish them luck with that.