
And whenever you write/speak, this is what I’d picture you’d look like:

“You not finding my or the OPs jokes funny is fine, thats up to your personal opinion, but the fact you don’t even know what a joke is speaks volumes to your personality.”

“Part of the point of my initial post is that there are still going to be a handful of manufacturers who serve the manual transmission crowd, so all hope isn’t lost despite Alanis’ quip in the title regarding the “Dying Manual Transmission.”

Remember that SAAR is just an estimate.


“Many buyers need and want a practical vehicle with a manual transmission, so two door sports or “pony” cars aren’t going to work.

Ford had a 2013-2014 6-speed manual that so few people bought, they stopped offering the manual starting from the 2015MY.

“Many buyers need and want a practical vehicle with a manual transmission, so two door sports or “pony” cars aren’t going to work.”

“Cruising along at 30 MPH in D, you see an opening in the left lane, you dont bother looking over your shoulder, or turning on your blinker you put your foot down to accelerate a bit, suddenly the car shifts from 6th into 2nd, and accelerates a lot faster than you wanted, so you try to modulate your throttle to the

“Sitting in traveling, slowly cruising along the highway at 30 MPH in 3rd gear, you see an opening in the left lane coming up: you glance over your shoulder, put on your blinker, move your foot to the clutch, shift down 2nd, and gun it, and feel the surge as you drop a gear, rev up and accelerate with gusto, with a

Again, you can’t WALK across the Windsor-Detroit border, let alone carrying some 40,000 lbs of goods (or however much that goes through said border on a daily basis).

NYC subway wasn’t the only way that you can get around NYC on that day.

“Oh, that’s right. We held the election and 75% of the states hated that fukkking legislation and the liberal-ass Supreme Court that ratified it. So they mandated an orange-haired savior to fix the balance of the Supreme Court to ensure this horseshit would never happen again. The. End.”

“You apparently—

“meanwhile, in the real world, here’s what costs have done under ACA...”

meanwhile, in the real world, here’s what costs have done under ACA...

“OR maybe these Koch-funded guys get it right?

“I’ll try again, since you don’t seem able to follow the links.

“I’ll try again, since you don’t seem able to follow the links.

I DEFINITELY second that.