
Cracks in concrete does not mean that catastrophic failure is imminent, especially if it has rebar.

You’ve just hit the nail on the head in regards to how the stock market is complete BS and also completely detached from the actual performance of a corporation.

No, read what I wrote again.

First: ““The only reason why Tesla is successful is because of this guy,” he said.” 

Is it going to have the same awful auto stop-start that’s in all of the Mercs?

Everything about Herr Drumpf is bullshit.

“Semantics: You need your engine on when you’re coasting in order to generate manifold vacuum for your brake booster.”

“My neighbor across the street bought a Camry Hybrid this month, and I promptly made her regret her purchase decision.”

So I’ll put it to you this way:

It is interesting that he compares a CLEANED PFI valve vs. a DIRTY GDI valve...

What I find interesting is:

There is no indication or data about the physical size/dimension of the varibox, so you can potentially have packaging issues in a Raptor.

What CVT can handle, for example, a rated capacity of 800 N.m of torque, and a max speed of about 161 km/h, and 0-100 km/h time of around 6.5 seconds?

I LOVE how on a car enthusiast website, how few people actually understand the engineering involved behind a CVT.

Fluid shear stresses aren’t necessarily a function of the temperature of the fluid (e.g. raising the temperature of the fluid won’t necessarily reduce the shear stresses in the fluid).

This might shock some of you - but a significant portion of automotive engineering is actually conducted ALMOST entirely in metric.

Rest of the world is ISO 8601 compliant. America, in its “assbackwardness” isn’t. Go figure.

Driving a RHD car isn’t that big of a deal.


If you read other people’s comments (presumably from truck owners), they talk about this thing called a bed liner.