

I did the same thing when I first got my Fusion hybrid because I was interested to see my fill up-to-fill-up fuel economy.’s a Bimmer. No big deal.


The thing that I always find interesting is that marketing campaigns usually go through rounds and rounds of decision-making processes.

Who do you think pays the ER bill now that this person is incapacitated and can’t pay their insurance nor their ER bill anymore?

The problem with that is that not all MVAs results in a fatality, at which point, you’re paying their medical bills.

NOT that this matters, the boarding pass isn’t a QR code. It’s just a 2D barcode.

Now playing

I thought that the ricer thing to do was to rev the piss outta their little, tiny engines?

You do realise that this isn’t a drug injection site, right?

““Let’s make it illegal,” you say? Sure. We’ll add that to the long list of illegal shit people do every day, like speeding and texting while driving.” 

I actually don’t mind MFT and Sync 2. Once I learned the syntax of the voice commands, it’s actually quite nice.

It is my understanding that with Ford’s Sync 2 system (My Ford Touch/My Lincoln Touch) that it is actually based on vehicle speed. Once you are above maybe like 10 km/h or something like, that’s when the lockout comes into play.

But GM is a TECHNOLOGY company now, as it tries to be more like Silicon Valley in order to appease Wall Street.

Also nothing as ‘Murican as a Vette with afterburners that DOESN’T HELP IT GO ANY FASTER. lol....LMAO....

You’re going to run WOT on what I presume is a ZR1 during inspection? Good luck with that. Let us know how California jails are doing.

a) who would supercharge a Toyota Vibe?

Jet turbine cars are actually a really bad idea due to the velocity profile how most people drive.

Being that this is Chevrolet, I won’t be surprised if they purposely modified the exhaust in this car, for this video, and they’re LITERALLY dumping raw fuel into the hot exhaust stream to produce this effect.