
It’s a status symbol. Not a very good one mind you, but the marketing team did their job in convincing them of it.

Doesn’t the brake light need to come ON for it to be a brake check?

You’re thinking too logically. Plus if people aren’t paying attentions to the BAZILLION signs already - it’s like unless it shows up on their phone, they won’t notice. (Perhaps somewhat ironically...)

I have to say, other than the doors, that actually looks pretty damn good.

The next time you rear-end somebody because they panic-stopped and that’s what the state trooper tells you - please record the video as you slowly and carefully explain that to him.

The biker looks like he was trying to pass in the single HOV lane.

This might come as a surprise for people on a car enthusiast site, but from casual observation, the vast majority of the driving public actually don’t really care so much about driving (given the evidence of how much time they spend on their cell phones WHILE they are behind the wheel which tells us: cellphone >>

“MTR has its faults...”

I echo the call for MTR.

New meaning for “Built Ford Tough”?

I think that ALL BMWs are ugly because BMW drivers is a thing.

Great article.

Please write more like this because I am sure that we see the signs on the side of highway of various sorts, but never really realised everything that goes on behind them.

“Your “point” was just to spout off something that everyone already knows? “

“The engine in the article I’m sure is as efficient as they can make it given their resources and expertise. Doing otherwise would be irrational, so I don’t get why you felt the need to mention it.”

“...they should make as much power as possible from their engine.” 

“Gets called out for incorrectly using volumetric efficiency as an argument.”

Oh really?

That’s why I LITERALLY wrote “Making power EFFICIENTLY...that’s true engineering. (Whether it’d be through volumetric efficiency and/or combustion efficiency.)”, which again, YOU QUOTED the latter half of that, but, again, because

“I understand the concept, I just don’t understand why you thought it was worth mentioning.”

“Have you ever worked on an actual engine before?”

What’s my point?

“They’re not trying to eek out the last bit of highway mileage on an EPA test...”