
Is that price tag in US dollars or Canadian dollars (given that you got the car from Canada)?

Another case of more money than brains.

Simple. Two things:

1) You’re used to peddling Cruzes to unsuspecting victims.

You make the assumption that to “win” is to “outsell two-to-one”.

“2) I do not carry full coverage on my vehicles. Why the hell would I with a bunch of used vehicles I paid cash for? Full coverage is only for people who financed or leased or spent their whole savings on that must-have BMW and can’t afford to replace it.”

“Don’t drive drunk.”

Don’t drink and drive.


What you CAN do though, if you are in such a position to hold stock in United Continental Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: UAL) - is to dump their stock.

a) Remember that per Clarkson - the fastest car in the world is a hired car.

Québécois laws are weird.

haha...I love this:

Also notice the BIG YELLOW SIGNS that say “LOOK FOR TRAIN”

Couple of things:

1) re: GM to Tesla: Come at me, bro!

To present counter points to your points though:

1) Most people DON’T work from home. According to the latest statistics, the average person spends 26.4 minutes commute to and from work, every weekday, and sometimes on weekends as well, which assuming a 5-day work week, and a 50-week work year, equates to 13200 minutes

Like I said - bacon makes it better.

Just out of curiosity - what’s your insurance bill like for all three cars vs. either one or two?

Do you have full collision coverage on all of those like you would be required to if you didn’t pay cash for that luxury sedan and/or SUV?

I realise this, but I will also surmise that if you were to actually plot the number of times or the amount of time (total) that you spend in a year, at that loading condition - I can only surmise that it might not be all that often. Who knows, maybe you do take the wife and kids everywhere you go. *shrug* No idea.

This is true. Even if it weren’t a crappy day, steaks can be better.

Although - interestingly enough - it’s usually the bacon that’s wrapped around the steak and not the other way around. Hmmm....

I think that the real issue is that people really actually need like a Swiss Army knife in terms of cars so you can PICK the right tool for the occasion, when you need it.
