
the mental hoops hes jumping through are entertaining.

loser? i thought he was genius. he left that person speechless. that’s how u own dees bitches

great, now my whole afternoon is blown rewatching Nerd episodes. thanks :P

Yeah, that’s pretty common practice: when The Force Awakens costumes were (And I think still are) on display in NYC, a couple of friends of mine went down to take a look at the snow troopers, as they’re working on those right now.

i don’t think you were alone in this.

I remember going to my cousin’s house and watching gameplay and the endings of all the FF games she played. The games (and cutscenes) are very cinematic so I definitely appreciated it :)

Just kind of an earlier version of Let’s Play w/o the commentary if you think about it hahaha.

I could totally rock this look.

Thanks for the non-instantly blocked vids!

Yeah, I’m anti-ignorant and using an imaginary friend to comfort yourself. It’s called being crazy lol. So if you’re praying to the invisible man. You’re an ignorant moron!

You make some valid points, where i think you are wrong is that you see it as a threat to your/our way of gaming life.

Was the asking if the explanation of the attempt post was really necessary really necessary?

Today Nvidia added the update drivers and optimization. Now it runs a bit better. Yeah, I’m surprised what the 660 can do at times, but it shows it’s age. Time for an upgrade. The 970 is in my price range.

Yeah I totally think: now I feel for play again Vice City X3

I’m the same way. I mean I know a PC game is a PC game, but I’m so accustomed and in love with Steam functionality that I’m willing to spend more to get the games I want on Steam. Ubisoft games are the worst because all the sales on third party sites are for uPlay DRM rather than Steam.

I am pretty sure Kotaku has some beef with microsoft

My three year old badgers me with questions like this.

Yes, but I feel like that’s also because those cups were only for us kids, and I vidvidly remember knawing on them with my teeth lol.

Forget the 1tb and get an external. I’ve had a 4tb on mine since last winter. I’ve got around 3tb free now

Hey! Tomorrow is my birthday too! Happy birthday, birthday buddy!

I’m from the 90s but share the same sentiment. I’m a big sports videogame fan so when I games release I typically think “what would my younger self think if I could go back in time and show him this new game.” I remember seeing ps2 screen shots when I was younger (prior to the ps2 release) and thinking “wow this looks