
My sentiments exactly. I played this older Star Wars game too. 😊

No, the film’s creators did.

this is one of my favourites.. ever!

Thank you for this awesome throwback!

Same here old-timer. Glad to know there were more of us :)

Impressive videos you made, and shout out to MST3K Laserblast. I love those stoner cops!

back in the day when figuring out how to do something made you the coolest kid on the block.

Yeah, I did that. We had a TV from before I was born (one of those with thee circle dials) so everything had to be hooked up through the VCR since the TV was not cable-ready nor did it have composite input.

Exactly. And we didn’t need no stinkin’ Internet to tell us how to do it either. We just figured it out.

Oh dude, came to post this because the start of the trailer immediately reminded me of the end of that film! :D

My exact thought. Right as she was talking about needing to get out to experience the world Ex Machina came to mind. Then it went on to being more focused on what happens next and I thought, so a sequel. Glad to know I’m not the only one.

nice work!

Can’t say I’m surprised that Fox News was talking about it in an ignorant fashion. Saw that coming a mile away.

Sad but true for most, and there even few that probably just release a game and don’t any fucks about fixing it later.

Well, I think this service helps a lot of people with a quandary they have. On the one hand, they want to help out the content creators with AD views, but on the other, they don’t want to view ads... This gives people a way to feel they are helping those people, while still not having to look at ADs. I can honestly…

Yeah, it was a ridiculous headline. That’s what Orionsangel is saying. If you don’t get why the title is misleading, though, I can see why you also wouldn’t get what the comment is saying, since they’re both reading comprehension. Maybe a little less time trolling comment sections and a little more time reading books…

I’m 33 and I’ve now watched it 7 times since it premiered (even watching the first half of a football game I didn’t care anything about just to see it). Theater down the street from me is showing the movie on the 17th at 7 pm. I’ll be there and probably see it at least once more that weekend.

22 Here, Ninja’ and their damn onions I swear.

I’m glad I wasn’t the only one. I felt pretty silly when the tears started rolling.

28 here. Grew up watching these films (fuck the prequels). Teared up big time.