
They straight up said they were the first game streaming company for one.

i've echoed the same sentiments arguing about the general nonchalant acceptance of microtransactions in premium games be they intrusive or not. We pay to keep them in business and they should be thankful for US not the other way around.

These are all I want to eat now. I'm definitely going to dildo-mold ice pops ALL SUMMER LONG (heh...long).

It'll look better on the GamePad. I'll just play it on there.

Why can't rap be like this these days? So much better.

Well done.

Fellowship is definitely my favorite. It takes it's time, develops the characters and the world and the cultures, has the best cinematography, and doesn't go all "King Kong" on the action sequences.

Hey hey same age. Im not into playing fighting games anymore either. I do like their graphics. Gorgeous. But when it comes to playing games, I seem to enjoy single player survival games...

Thanks for the heads up on the Trials DLC. Will download it when I get home since I have the Season Pass.

I'd say the two types are intersections of a several possible tendencies. I've seen them laid out in a number of ways by others, but here we go with ways to enjoy a game, tending to your vocabulary where necessary:

This take made me laugh out loud in the theatre. No one else appreciated it :'(

Starred for the text. ;)

Dude! Same here! Did you ever clear the Galaga screen? You got a fast car for it.

That video should be Exhibit 1 in his civil suit against NYPD.

damn. I wanna be able to do this. I'm just too laz

Same here. Not to mention (At least for me) there was no appeal with where either new console was headed. I want a gaming console not a computer that does everything else since I already own a computer. I also mainly use Steam now when theres good sales. Or when I make money from stuff you can sell like in CSGO. Made

Alright then...

Alright, you guys asked for it...

I like this one, it amuses me.

this is the best one here