
I've been saying for a while - Nintendo should make some sort of "Super 3DS" attachment for Wii U so you can put in a 3DS (or DS) cart and use the gamepad and TV as lower and upper 2DS screens. They'd shift a lot of Wii Us that way.

i only watch flipbooks with an a capella group serving for the music.

Too late, I already saw them. They're not as good as the older and more obscure anime but, you know, they're okay I guess.

True. While the issues dealt with don't affect me, I'm still sympathetic. I just wasn't gripped by any of it. I think it was slightly innovative and found the method of story advancement refreshing, but damn was I expecting more. I know I'm inviting backlash by saying this, but I feel like that game is the hipster's

I was telling a stranger about my steam machine. He was confused when I said that I play it. His response:

Same to you bro

It doesn't help that the liquid cooling is called Origin Frostbyte, similar to DICE's competitive graphics engine.

Eiji Aonuma has already stated that he plans on changing Zeldas formula up a bit, and trying out new things. It will not be as familiar as you think. He wants to try to make it more open, and give the players a hell of a lot more freedom, and like they did in ALBW, give the player a choice on which dungeons he wants

because why the hell would we come to kotaku if not to be baited by comments such as these?

Sure we respond, its only natural.

Oddly enough, my BF also had a TI-99. First time I ever felt that maybe I didn't have just some wannabe (he actually bought one off of ebay a few years back, his only gaming console cause he just likes really simple games of old. He just finds new games frustrating).

you got a lol out of me. enjoy the star

rofl glancing at that I thought it was a new donkey kong country game.

I'd argue Assassins's Creed IV, but other than that I agree with you. I'd wait until at least Infamous Second Son is released to buy a next gen console.

THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS! Great stuff... I was recently re-watching it. John K. voices The Cow as well... fucking brilliant!

Yeah that was fucking incredible. She really nailed the mid-air leg movements.


Nice gif you got there.

Ohhhh, I vaguely remember that show. I remember this episode where all of the heroes failed to defeat this villian who ended up walking into what he thought was a statue but was actually a superhero with super-strength and super-slowness.

Yeah, that was a good show.

I loved that cartoon so much. I will never forget the fight between Mighty Mouse and William Shatner's toupee.

Damn...that just sucks :(.