“don’t realize that they’re not really Car People”
Ah. Upgrading to a newer car. I laugh when I get those emails. I have a GX460. They’re barely broken in at 200,000 miles and 12 years so why would I trade in a 2 year old model?
Jesus that car is gorgeous.
I was helping my brother-in-law find a used Honda Odyssey. Located the perfect one on Craigslist, and it was private-party which is a huge bonus in AZ because we don’t have to pay sales tax. I go with him to take a look at it, and we find ourselves in a VERY pricey area of Scottsdale, an “old money” part of town with…
Do you live under a rock? Transport shortage has been a well documented problem for many months now a cross all industries. It was caused mostly by the switch to electronic logs of driver hours... Turns out most drivers were fudging and driving more hrs than allowed with fewer breaks. Now that they can’t cheat there…
You should probably go see a doctor if your butt is really that hurt.
Stupidest article yet on Jalopnik.
I don’t get why your argument included 4 pictures of the same car.
Maybe call it the “Caravan”.
The Spirit of (Doing Too Much) Ecstasy
I’d wager that 0-60 times are lickety-split.
Peninsula of Crazies - wait no that’s just Florida
Porsche has a history of making something that Tesla hasn’t been able to make so far: Profit.
This rally performance driving school warms up their cars before use, yeah I don’t abuse my cars while they’re still getting up to operating temp either.
If you drive POS 50 year old VW & Renault, sure warm your junk up on the rare occasion it works. If you drive a modern car, stop wasting time, fuel & making theft…
Because of reasons the writers could waste time making up but I’d rather they spent that time not catering to people who don’t know how to suspend their disbelief while watching a movie about space wizards with laser swords.
Engine: a Honda engine.