Gamer Of Rock

Wow, nothing makes you sound quite so pretentious as using the words “rife” and “retrograde” in the same sentence. I guess Nintendo having one of the first original female gaming protagonists, numerous games where Peach DOESN’T have to be rescued (total it up, I bet she is partying, karting, golfing, and adventuring

Im a bigger fan personally of how the fans have made her D.Va’s rival and Widow Maker, Reaper, and Sombra are now the evil family version of Mercy, 76, and D.Va.

Women can both kick ass and fall in love. Just like male superheroes.

Seems like an adaptation of her comic origin though? It’d kinda like doing a Spider-Man origin story without Uncle Ben, or Batman without his parents getting shot.

I was thinking the Cloud Cuckoolander.

The scanner says that his shame levels are OVER 9,000!!!!!

The ending of The Dark Knight Rises.

Get ready for all that Easter fun

My reaction to Batman v. Superman: