
Which is where Trickle down fails; if consumers don’t have the money to spend on goods and services, companies *will* eventually have to lay off workers due to declining sales.  The accumulation of wealth we have seen over the past 50 years simply isn’t going to be sustainable much longer.

“So when you’re looking at hourly wages, shouldn’t they be less in Mexico than in the US?”

Here’s the problem: Pretty much all manufacturing has incredibly small profit margins. If you paid all your workers what we would consider a decent wage, manufacturing would absolutely collapse. That’s why manufactures have gone so heavily invested in automation, as it’s the most effective way to cut costs and

Take your star.

Yeah, the entire award process was a sham to ensure Boeing won the contract.

The problem is that problem reporting and maintenance always gets last consideration by program managers, and it never gets addressed until someone gets to a guy with at least a few stars on his shoulder and has him raise a stink about it.

“Is it to late to restart the F-16 and Super Hornet production lines?”

Huh, that story sounds awfully familiar...

My advice: Find a shop you trust. Easy way to do so too: If they start finding lots of little things that need fixing, then they aren’t trustworthy.

Typically, “I can’t say” for something like this is about as close as you are going to get to a confirmation.  Seriously, not even “The Legend of Zelda has traditionally been a single-player series”?  Yeah, that’s a confirmation.

The fuel thing is a myth. From what I recall from Deke’s autobiography, there were other technical reasons why the Apollo 10 LM couldn’t land (I forget what offhand though).

Technically, the habitable area of the LM was on top of the ascent stage. Much like the Service Module, the crew couldn’t physically enter the descent stage of the LM.

This isn’t surprising whatsoever. I’m a Software Engineer by trade, but one who also works with Radar/Lidar systems, and am very well aware of all the problems self-driving cars are going to have.

Uhh no.

First off, there’s a significant functional difference between what Marxism and Lenninism. The fact you equate the two by itself shows that you lack knowledge on the subject and can be ignored.

I’ve *still* not embraced WASD. I *still* use the arrow keys.

Not shocking; Uber is heavily subsidizing costs in order to gain share (and frankly, run competitors out of the market).  The plan is basically to become a ridesharing monopoly.

1st Gear: This is how Trump thinks; if he makes the situation of his opponents bad enough, they will be forced to do what he wants. What he fails to grasp is there are other factors at play that preclude this from occurring.

Its worse then that: Democrats are Electoral College dogs, and will continue to be so until Florida becomes a reliably Democratic state.

Some thoughts: