I think people are starting to see that there are a lot more “bad cops” then they believed. And I’ll go so far as the say the majority of cops are bad ones.
I think people are starting to see that there are a lot more “bad cops” then they believed. And I’ll go so far as the say the majority of cops are bad ones.
Plot twist: That was really prime-Lorca who was ACTING like mirror-Lorca. We’ll meat mirror-Lorca later on, and shockingly, he won’t be that bad a guy.
Actually, that’s EXACTLY what they’re taught to do.
Technically 2014; it took some time to localize.
The problem with the subways is the people outright refused to let him shut lines down for the 2-3 years necessary to get them fixed up properly. So instead, we get periods of construction each day stretching our for several decades, leading to daily headaches whenever construction goes longer then expected on any…
I’ll put it this way: Cuomo is a really good administrator. That being said, he’s a piss poor leader of people.
New York actually. There’s overlap between Verizon, Time Warner, and Cablevision.
To be fair, once you have the plate, let alone the guys license, is there any real reason needed to engage in a chase?
Pluto is as much a planet as Juno and Vesta are.
“Is this some kind of splashy publicity stunt? We’ll have to wait and find out.”
“ Chevy already has an objectively good car in the Bolt, at a lower price, available now, and actually selling.”
Give the series back to XSEED. These guys have totally messed up and don’t deserve to localize another title.
“lowest technically acceptable price”. The US government runs on this principle.
Not really. As I’m reading the proposed law, the fines only apply should the company in question not follow the mandated security measures, which are totally overdue at this point. Revenue to pay for the department will largely be paid for via the fines collected from non-compliance, so it shouldn’t cost taxpayers…
“become out of date quickly”
Forgot the obligitory:
“I’ve never actually driven this but I’m told by Michael Ballaban, Jalopnik’s Deputy Editor, that Ocean Parkway is “the perfect road if you want to relax—long and straight beaches on both sides with no traffic.””
As an add to my previous: If snakes don’t naturally evolve a response, then they deserve to die off. That’s *also* evolution.