
Well, unfortunately mom has to get the clothes out of the dryer in the basement and that’s right behind my sweet gaming rig. She says boobies is bad. I’ve complained about being 40 and how I should be able to look at what I want. But she just goes on and on about it being her house and me getting a job, blah, blah. So

Infowars employees dont get paid in cash. They get paid in photos of a shirtless Alex Jones.

I was finishing up my graduate degree when this first premiered—hush your youngling mouth and get off my lawn! ;)

Are you insane?! A knife is useless against those massive claws! They could rip a tank apart!”

This article reminds me of DBFZ’s first week of release because it was so easy to identify who came from which scene. IADs and good overall air movement but rarely tags out? GG/BB player. Tag combos and clean assist usage? MvC dude. Won’t jump but has a surprisingly strong ground game? SF guy. Constantly trying to

Give your tile a Kai-O-Kleaning!

Fuckboi Bazel can very well fuck right off. “Oh hey guys! What’s going on? Alright, im gunna take off now. You don’t mind me littering the whole area with my explosive scales do you?”

Diablos has one of the smallest move pools in the game, he can be trivialized simply by knowing the 3-4 attacks he has. Granted, 2 of those attacks have tricky aspects to them but once you know those tricks theyre easy.

We had a run in with him last night while fighting Tempered Pukei and man he would not leave. So Pukei leaves the scene only for Bazel to follow to the next location. It was like watching Peter Griffin fight Chicken man for 10 minutes.

Dumb anjanaths. Tried taking one down in the Ancient forest for the first time a few days ago and the damn thing despawned before I could kill it. It was almost dead, too >:(

I just love fighting Dodongo, blowing up his explosives-filled mouth. Not that difficult once you figure him out, but always satisfying to torture... Until AzRath and Basil swoop in AT THE SAME TIME and roflstomp you to death.

Can you use it to watch better series?

You represent the worst type of gamer, and the absolute worst type of consumer. You are a corporate shill who would sell out millions of others who share in your hobby for what, slight convenience? If you actually played games or knew the history of the industry, you would recognize that nearly every evil in the

I have a Toyota and I am doing heroin while hang gliding to my favorite underground fight club where I am going to put my gerbil Mephistopheles into the pit against an undefeated hamster named Patton Montgomery in a fight to the death. After that I am going to do some unprotected swinging.

Non story. The only reason she was spotted under a highway underpass was simply because she was trying to get an interview with Johnny Manziel.

If you’re comfy-ish with running ROMs (emulators for the switch are being worked on as we speak), there’s a super version of S3&K that re-combines them into the single game they were always intended to be along with a crapload of bug fixes and QoL improvements. Best part is, it still runs on the Genesis hardware just

Shouldn’t step 1 be “have a respectful and honest conversation with them about why you’re concerned with pro gaming as a career path, so they can make educated choices”?