I’m with the article writer, I do wish for a cosmetic set over armors. I love my origin armor set but I can rarely use it now that I’m in high rank and have to play dress up with different armor sets.
I’m with the article writer, I do wish for a cosmetic set over armors. I love my origin armor set but I can rarely use it now that I’m in high rank and have to play dress up with different armor sets.
What are you on? I’ll help you with Nerd-gigante if your on Xbox!
GT: gamerguy2002_v2
Boi, I don’t want a college thesis out of all of my reviews, I just want to know if the game is ultra mega ass or not.
But...this is the exception, I wanted to see what this game was trying to convey and In a way it tells itself like a kojima game would, a story within a story but the points seem off.
It’s a passion project for one.
Another is a test of skill.
Wait theirs CircleK’s in Japan too?! good god I can’t escape them!
I’m soo glad that everyone’s first thought was an old MGS3 newgrounds animation.
Damn I remember this when it was new, oh god I’m old! *sobs*.
(Why hasn’t someone done a modern day SFM remake of that?!)
So when she does her ultimate she’ll call herself “super Brigitte” and gain massive muscles right?
(still calling her Bridgette btw because if I don’t I’ll end up calling her Vegeta)
Yeah this game is NOT life friendly. Play it when you got a weeks vacation and no other games to play.
Aww c’mon dude, Bardock would be right there with you! he’d hate his son for not only putting the universe in danger but teaming up with Frieza, fucking Frieza the being who killed the saiyans and ordered dudoria to kill all of his crewmates.
Put bardock on your roster Lythero, let him get some parental smackdown on…
It’s 2018 and I’m watching competitive Dragon Ball matches, it’s everything I wanted out of the video game side of this series since high school.
Thanks Arcsys for finally doing what Spike and DIMPS could never pull off.
So when are we getting this for the Xbox One? I don’t think it’s exclusive to console like the horizon ZD and the USJ armor.
Aww your first Anjanath battle. Trust me he will be remembered once you take him down. A fun boss to co op with.
I laughed for a serious 2 minutes when I saw the thing then proceeded to make funny voices to think of what he would sound like.
Great advice all around but know what also helps too? Co-oping online! seriously hit a wall with pink rathian but after a few SOS co op missions I floored the fucker bitch solo. Playing with people helps studying the movements allot better.
They won’t. It was announced this morning she’s the new replacement.
Did he at least do Link’s grunts when he was doing it?
Great, cool. where’s my Megaman DLC?! I want to turn my cat into Megaman!!
(Sucks that Xbox owners can’t access the Horizon ZD and Universal Studios Japan quests that are currently going on the PS4).
This is for Yugioh! Not Duel Masters.
Super is ending in march, nothing else was announced for it’s current future. the hiatus talk is speculation from Animejay’s fanbase regarding his video.
Their hasn’t been an official announcement of a “hiatus” or a return to Super once Kintaro is over. so as it currently stands Super is ending, weither something else…