Keep in mind, the Dragonball Xenoverse games have been doing the same thing for 2 years now, you should see some of the cringe worthy things that come from that.
Keep in mind, the Dragonball Xenoverse games have been doing the same thing for 2 years now, you should see some of the cringe worthy things that come from that.
Wait are you adding Parts 1 and 2 as an entire season?
They will, reception was good and it made decent ratings, theirs just no dub of part 3 thats finished yet.
Is their a way to extend the time between studders, like 10 minutes?
Can you go into detail?
What about fixing the studdering on xbox one? God damn every 3 minutes theirs a horrid 10 second studder that breaks the flow of gameplay. I’ve disabled motion blur but it doesn’t seem to help.
So this is basically an alternate universe retelling? Kind of sucks to do a bait and switch like that because i would’ve loved to have seen a real movie budget retelling of the first season instead of....whatever the fuck this fever dream is.
what about that remaster that came out for the 360, did it have any nods to the island?
These need to be unlockable heads somehow, I don’t care how you need to do it but these need to be in the game they can’t be lost to time.
Bu-But Doomfist?!
And Terry Crews?!
And Doomfist?!?!
So how the hell am I going so stream music from my phone now?
Yeah its in need of a break after 150 reruns. Same with inuyasha, but too bad the final chapters didnt get a rerun.
Its still airing, just to let people know who haven’t heard in the last 5 years.
This is a thing, please be aware of it because were going old school next month.
they tried to keep airing western animation like samurai jack, sym-bionic titan, and beware the batman but CN kept letting the licenses expire meaning they would have to marathon rush though them.
Jack’s back though, just not on Toonami.
Wonder if he’s watching the Super dub like the rest of us?
Even if he wasn’t a fan, hes still very communicative and does his research on the game hes working on (even if hes played it before). so I feel he would do it justice.
I always found the N64Mario Classic Megaman engine made in MMF2 to be an impressive piece of work, there are certenly allot of people in the Megaman…
He stated himself that his Retro engine can do both 2D and 3D alike, and would do any project that was given to him by any company. he just stays with SEGA because they like him and he has experience with the games originally.
The sonic 1, 2 and CD remakes would like to have a word with you.
Allot of talk about Halo 3 (because duh the article) but not allot of talk from the comments about Halo 5.
I loved the last forge update, and the tuning to Firefight makes it good fun with friends now though Mythic Firefight makes us want to rip our hair out from its difficulty.
Are you sure you updated and you checked that 11GBs of Reach was on your console? I had the same problem too then I rebooted the console and manually checked for an update only to find the update never started.