
Sonic Team has been doing that for years now, since 1998. going to certain parts of the world to capture locals and put them into Sonic games.

Glad other developers are now following suit though, its a real experence to go and see the world your trying to build in-game.

I suggest going back and playing again because its Easy Mode for the entire game and once you start a mode you can't stop it and switch difficulties unless you want to start over again.


Yeah Nintendo handles those things kind of poorly, then again it is pretty rare for someone to go and buy all 3 at the same time.

Yeah. sure. uh-huh.

Ugh god shes soooooo hot.

Yep pretty much, but why complain? its a great thing.

No? its easy mode for the entire game. where are you getting your information?

Funny thing, she was on the channel that started that whole TMYK thing, NBC4.

Thats the destroyer of TVs!

An actual sword? :D

Now playing

Fun fact: Sam's theme was supposed to be very metal-based, take a listen:

Huh? Kojima was the one that announced this (albeit very quick like). hes allowed to do whatever he wants when it comes to announcing his games, remember MGSV's stupid 4 month trolling as Moby Dick Studios?

Uh, there was an easy mode.

Well, you've peaked my interest. I'll try not to break any NDA stuff you're under, How long were you with SEGA? what did you do in the company? were you let go or did you leave on your own? and how did SEGA treat you overall?

Also do you know any of these folks? they are some of the most well known names that may be on

Yep, got announced about 4 months ago, but its been all teasers no solid footage yet.

Wow, I kind of linked allot more then that in my tip to you guys. this is sort of a big deal to a long standing company, I was actually expecting a full blown article not some little blurb.

More here comment people:…

Bring it!

No u.

It would have to depend on who the manufacturer is and what kind of quality they put out.

But that sounds like a great idea, staring down at those would definitely give me motivation.

Uh, Hank, your .jpg broke.

Thats not how you internet Hank.