They have to blend the 2 different sets of humor into one and this is starting off as a family guy special, so its humor is going to be more prominent.
They have to blend the 2 different sets of humor into one and this is starting off as a family guy special, so its humor is going to be more prominent.
OS/2, Ha!
Think I saw an old as hell OS/2 ATM machine the other day by some 3rd party ATM company, POS are always breaking down like hell I'd ever stick my debit card into one of those may never even see it again.
They way the entire menu system operates its bound for PC.
...So why were people harassing him exactly? that was never made clear. why would people from other mod groups and original fans of the game be harassing him?
well, to be fair most ATMs are running WinXP or Win7 so I can see this being possible with the right workaround.
Well, Platinum Games is developing this.
Katara taught Korra Waterbending, just an FYI their.
The game should've told you when its own event started like they claim this game does, you shouldn't have had to hunt down or watch certain sites to find out whats going on in-game.
You can tell me all you want to go watch this or follow this or keep an eye on this, but at the end of the day the game still failed at…
Teenage Mutant Ninja Grumpy Cats?
I was logged in for most of the day, my xbox can fry eggs on it and thats with proper ventilation so I gotta cool it down.
I know but hell, Bungie could've at least given us some heads up about it I wasn't going to think of checking the moon area of all things when it was a locked area all this time.
Did you guys ever report that Marty O'Donnell won his court case over Bungie's firing and won $95,000.00?…
actually there is a new engine for H2A's multiplayer, its a modified Halo 4 engine (its all the same engine anyways they just took the current version of the engine and reapplied Halo 2 code). but the rest you are right about.
For multiplayer buffs, you get Halo 1, 2, 3, and 4's multiplayer all in their original engines + halo 2 anniversary's multiplayer. I say that alone is a great deal but then your getting all 4 campagins, the beta halo 5 multiplayer, and a Halo WebTV series.
I think thats pretty great for $60.
2nd time I've seen this lol.
Damnit, I waited from 2pm until 5pm for something, anything to notify me of something interesting and I got nothing.
And knowing Bungie this will be just a once in a lifetime thing that will never be able to get again for good, fuck.
Damn these .gif heavy articles, they make my browser eat up mem. usage like crazy, not to menction Flash 14 decides to go haywire as well.
Does it work in the 360 beta?
So recap me here. Why is Crytek in soo much trouble? what happened exactly to cause these domino effect of bad things?
I've read the past "Crytek in trouble" articles but that point was never really made clear.
I still think its stupid, I liked watching it on TV and I never got on the "watch everything at once on Netflix/hulu/fuckwhatever" ship. so this whole move of going "fuck you watch it online or not at all" is a real turn off. not to mention is going to be impossibly hard to avoid spoilers now (assuming they just went…