
The way I'm looking at this is how this is all connecting back to Valve, both in terms of brand name and popularity. eventually all these negative articles will cause a stigma to the program, the Steam name, and the Valve name. rather then trying to fight the negative publicity I'm sure Valve is just going to cut the

PC Avengers eh?...

Technically any game that has 2 player or co-op can be used by a tunneler right?

Thats most likely is going to happen MD, theirs articles coming up like this on a weekly basis and I'm sure Valve is getting tired of the headaches this whole system is causing.

What do you mean, like hooking 2 more more xboxes together? then yes, that feature isn't disabled.

But wasn't their allot more to Operation UPPERCUT then what we saw in Reach? unless maybe I'm thinking of the Space station Gamma battle...

Terrible how?

Then your very lucky, my area has no gamestores left other then gamestop, the last one left closed 2 years ago now if I want a game from another era I have to either track it down online or go 50 miles out to a place called "Gamedude" which is the by far end all be all game stop for new and classic games (google it

Yeah I agree with that, but check this:

Wow, this is an awesome speedrun. I'm going to see if any of these tricks can be applied to CE-A, they should considering its basically the same game.


Used game store? tell me in this Gamestop-dominant universe how many off-chain game stores are left that arn't scattered?

343i felt that they didn't want to mess with the game any more then it should've, the goal was just to bring it to HD and add some extra features, anything else and their fanbase would've instantly not have trusted them.

Yeah because Bungie is real great right now after they fired Marty O'Donnell and gutted nearly all the staff that worked on Halo to begin with.

>No Green Version or JP Blue version.

I'd honestly feel better if this was on CW instead considering I'm still burned up by the fact Almost Human was canceled.

Ridiculous Jack Bauer Quote of the Week: "I can tell you think you're a pretty intimidating group. You probably think I'm at a disadvantage. I promise you I am not."

Activision has released seven free-roaming Spider-Man games since 2004, each criticized for one particular flaw. Activision has released seven free-roaming Spider-Man games since 2004, each criticized for one particular flaw. Activision has released seven free-roaming Spider-Man games since 2004, each criticized for