You’ve met Obama? I haven’t. I saw Tony Blair and George Bush once but that was obviously a long time ago! Didn’t get to speak to them or anything interesting.
You’ve met Obama? I haven’t. I saw Tony Blair and George Bush once but that was obviously a long time ago! Didn’t get to speak to them or anything interesting.
“A real gamer”, love it :)
Refresh my memory.
Of the highest calibre.
It’s not much. She did some work on one of their older titles and has been called back in. I’m tagging along because I know some people there and we’re all going to get drunk. I’ll probably end up confessing all my naughty things and get banned 4 life.
GTA Online, getting loads of money from “selling” your car and having it respawn. Made a fortune off that.
I think we’re a new breed.
I hear you there. I’m not going to preorder this but it’s definitely on my radar.
Absolutely that would be good. It’s the only thing that would improve this game.
I haven’t read the whole article so I don’t know if it’s linked or not. There’s a TED video of him talking about this procedure. When I first saw it, before all this came out, I thought he behaved a unusually. A bit more outside of the usual “crazy genius” realm.
That’s pretty much it. I was introverted as a kid but in my 20’s I just stopped caring about a lot of stuff. Not in an emo way, it wasn’t an apathy with everything. I just realised that yeah, become more emotionally detached from things that don’t matter. I’m pretty zen about everything now but it has resulted in a…
When this was announced my initial thoughts were “aww, no Just Cause 3”. And then that happened, and now this trailer happened and I just really want to play this game thanks.
You might want to look into what “proficient” means.
Weird, I usually like smart comedy but I can’t see the jokes in this one. Love the message (or any message that says rape=bad), but why does the coach give that final speech? What’s with the ever growing wine glass?
Just because you enjoy it doesn’t make it good, y’know.
Then grab it now and upgrade. However, Windows 10 isn’t free. Because there is a way to get it for free doesn’t make it “free”. Free is OSX and Linux.
I’m not going to correct your whole post I do find it funny that you said your English is “fine” and followed it up with the wrong use of “Your”. Comedy gold!
And yet it’s still “requires Windows 7 or 8”. I don’t know why you’re trying to get out of this. Windows 7 and 8 will get a free upgrade in its first year and that’s it. They’re not doing what Apple does (free for everyone) or most Linux builds (free for everyone).
No touchpad emulation for Dualshock 4 (currently the best controller to use). No gyro support either (which does make reloading pretty cool).
You might want to actually look up what they’re doing for Windows 10.