
Yeah, I don't think that whole lapdancing thing is big in the UK. I'm friends with lots of sex-positive people, but lapdancing... I dunno. An American once asked me if I ever had been to a lapdancing club and I said no, he looked at me weird and then the rest of us said we hadn't been either.

I'm not stereotyping an entire group, though I do see this from people who are addicted or mentally invested into things, I'm simply stating that the thing you hold dear does not have the same effect on you as it does others.

I guess I'm not really into that, I'm not fussed about a car travelling fast infront of me. I see the appeal of races. But when regular attendees get injured it's just a bit... well it must make you wonder.

"railed against" is an extreme term. All I did, and I can pull down a quote;

All that sex worker stuff just makes no sense to me. But I've never had to deal with any of it, maybe that's why it seems so complex to me.

I could believe that, but it takes a keg of salt.

I seriously don't understand why people watch races in person. You see the car zip past and then you have to wait a while doing nothing.

"Also every FF game has a pretty good track record on diversity and even over sexualization is pretty balanced"

You sound like a typical gamergater, apologies if you're not. But your rather rapid leap to guessing other peoples extremes is a bit of a give away.

Honestly don't care about any delays. Zelda games have been the most consistently excellent games, and that recent 3DS one was phenomenal. Happily waiting.

X-2's sole interesting feature was that they were all female. More like that! It creates dynamics that I'm not used to, as a male. Please, more all-female casts.


But I've had people steal from me to feed their pot habit. Absolutely years ago back in college a friend tried to steal the radio from my car to pay for weed, or I assume so since that's all he was taking at the time. Not even alcohol.

Which is why it's shocking that this one is so bad (the previous ones being good).

I've only played FF6, 7, 8, 9 and X. Which FF's have an all-male cast? Aside from this one of course.

Hi! Love DA:I. Was the first one in the series I played, went back for the others due to it.

What I don't like is the all-male team, and "OH WOW A FEMALE CID" is dressed like that. A bit better representation, plz.

I'm not into drugs at all. But I always find the "addiction" thing interesting.

Jews? I always figured them for Islamic given their rituals and skin tones. Always figured them as Arabian, as it were.

And when they introduce people from different cultures they either look the same or similar to each other. And they all sound the same, too.