
Can I have my (cheap) drone accidentally collide with my neighbour’s drone?

In the “more info” part:

For a moment I thought that top image was leading to a story about how Capcom is rebooting Mega Man...

Yes, if you do your homework, it should be okay.


Probably afraid that people using the bin would hurt his BMW. Or maybe the bin will come alive and eat his precious car.

I thought the same thing... and watched all of it too...

Reminds me of the Sam Kee building we have here in Vancouver.

I swear my launch SNES had 2 controllers...

I thought they were going to compare the game with Beyond Eyes.

Just saw it last night and while I enjoyed the overall movie, why do people make robots and give them freedom of choice and NOT HAVE A KILL SWITCH?!

When I was looking for a vehicle, I only e-mailed a few dealerships and one was actually committed to try to find a deal that worked for me by providing decent quotes but in the end, it didn’t work out and I ended up buying from a local dealer after some face to face shopping and negotiating on a vehicle on the lot. I

Maybe they’ll just call it Fantasic Four: subtitle or Fantastic Family or whatever. Not a number sequel.

I suppose if the cliff was high enough, they could have fabricated some ghetto parachute.

Ugh. I thought the bar was set pretty low to begin with and now it’s giving me a Batman & Robin vibe here...

And going and going and going...

Wasn’t that basically what happened in the comics also?

That is so childi-

I guess watching low resolution TV shows on the old tube TVs hide a lot of little details like that.

We all love big hits but when it’s illegal, yeah.