
Billy literally was a professional soccer writer who didn’t know what a bicycle kick was and claimed that one Barcelona season was both a “dumpster fire” and the greatest season by any team ever. He also thinks Ronaldo isn’t in the same league (figuratively) as Messi. Expecting him to understand rules is...optimistic.

When the line judge raised his flag to call Kane offside, that should’ve been the end of the play.

What always surprises me is whenever anybody tries to argue that Sidney Crosby is not the best player in hockey. Ovechkin is great, but he’s not Crosby. Crosby got to the same number of points in almost 2 fewer seasons.

“I’m an above average 6'2 180 pound 29 year old male.”

“I can’t be racist, some of my future wife’s parents are black.”

I know - that totally caught me off guard. I thought the follow up to that question was going to be, “Probably, just look at these other pictures!”

Especially lazy is using another soccer player’s actually racist photo to make Hennessey also guilty...because they play the same sport?

Could it be muscle memory that made him replicate his form at dinner? Probably not.

It is embarrassing that Deadspin is pushing this.

Seriously, though, dude was probably just waving and calling, and the photos of him doing exactly the same thing on the field strike me as pretty convincing proof. The headline’s claim that ‘I was waving and calling across a boisterous crowded room’ are “unbelievable circumstances” is... well, unbelievable itself.

Can we talk about how PROBLEMATIC this statue is???

I feel for this guy. Once I was accused of making the old limp-wrist-gay-gesture when I was just trying to walk like an Egyptian.

I dunno. After school, I’ve raised my hand at the dinner table to ask a question, then caught myself. He is with his team and if he was trying to get the attention of the photographer, with teammates (and there are some teammates that look mid shout in the picture) then maybe it tracks. The blackface photo is hours of

I don’t know Wayne Hennessey, so maybe... but is there even one other thing that this guy has ever done that would suggest that his raising his arm like that was anything other than what he said it was?

This is not in any way a provable thing. A camera only captures a single moment. Do I really need to go into this?  Boring, sensationalist reporting.  

Because every team saw The Patriots do it with Vinatieri, and replace him with Gostkowski, and assume they will be able to do the same. Unfortunately they forget that only Belechick sits by the right hand of satan and can pull off such moves without incident.

Not to mention the money they missed out on by not going further in the playoffs would have probably offset that amount Gould made. 

I never understand why teams decide to cheap out on their kickers at every opportunity. They score the most points for your team every season and have the most opportunities, why would you not want the best player you could possibly get to handle that?

Can’t forget to include the picture he took with a child molester. It seems that they share a sort of common interest. Also, this is apparently how a 35 year old man dresses nowadays.

I really think most people’s mothers and grandmothers are way too old for his usual tastes.