Gameological Society Commenter

Gameological has been dead for years, ever since it got pulled back into the main site which now itself is on the operating table with DNR stamped on its medical file. From that point on Gameological quickly began to lose its voice along with most of its prolific contributors, and when Teti got distracted by other

Favourite Gameological memory? Nothing comes close to the mighty Nairobi pirated games / Syrian games double header that brought Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas: Kirk Douglas into our lives…


So i went to Gameological to see Mohd with another firstie faux-raging about some bullshit.

I thought I felt my simulacra-sense tingling.

"The word “gimmick” itself, of course, has chiefly negative connotations: We tend to think of gimmicks as fundamentally tawdry…"

Oh the Geforce GT630 is great, don't get me wrong, and $50 is pretty darn reasonable, but for my money I would have gone with a Gforce GT9000b. For a similar price, it easily outperforms the GT630 in a number of key areas such as speed, economy, fuel efficiency, number of cup holders, bits per millisecond, and they

Uh, I'd also like to express my fondness for that particular video game.

Gameological Level 2, ladies and gentlemen.

Speak for yourself, @avclub-615a666e6472b587f63193032da45961:disqus .

Speak for yourself, @avclub-615a666e6472b587f63193032da45961:disqus .

I find Alice: Madness Returns to be the quintessential Alice story. This game encompasses the grander themes of the original Lewis Carroll works, but presents a modern view of the world of Wonderland and provides an interesting take on Alice's literal and metaphorical descent into madness. Symbolism abounds in Alice:

I find Alice: Madness Returns to be the quintessential Alice story. This game encompasses the grander themes of the original Lewis Carroll works, but presents a modern view of the world of Wonderland and provides an interesting take on Alice's literal and metaphorical descent into madness. Symbolism abounds in Alice:

You are taking Super Mario Bros on face value. You need to examine the subtext and its grand sweeping themes. Super Mario Bros is actually a story of the American migrant experience in the 19th and 20th centuries. Mario himself is a symbol of the migrant, a stereotypical Italian man struggling to get ahead in life and

You are taking Super Mario Bros on face value. You need to examine the subtext and its grand sweeping themes. Super Mario Bros is actually a story of the American migrant experience in the 19th and 20th centuries. Mario himself is a symbol of the migrant, a stereotypical Italian man struggling to get ahead in life and

I completely agree with your choice of Super Mario Bros. There was once a time when I played Super Mario Bros every single day, it defined my life. In Anytown North America in the 80s, I lived and breathed Super Mario Bros. I still remember when my Mom took my brother and I into the city for the premiere. We were so

I completely agree with your choice of Super Mario Bros. There was once a time when I played Super Mario Bros every single day, it defined my life. In Anytown North America in the 80s, I lived and breathed Super Mario Bros. I still remember when my Mom took my brother and I into the city for the premiere. We were so