
Your answer implies that you actually know nothing about the controller. The only way to connect to PC as of right now is a USB wired connection, which also powers the controller even if you don't have a play and charge kit.

It did already happen, earlier today. ;)

This one isn't a huge surprise as it was published by Microsoft, and they own the majority of the PC market. If this lands on Steam as Mac/Linux compatible I'll be shocked.

If you had read the article which is like 10 words long, or watched the video and at least sikpped to the end you would've seen it will come to Steam.

I finally remembered to pull out my Tolkien dictionary. Thankfully whoever's writing this game knew that Tolkien actually invented languages for it, and used them.

Hey, I'm one of the IndieBox guys. Yeah, on the USB card is a copy of the game for Mac, PC, and Linux, all DRM free

Not a bad idea, though they do have their own store (which is a bit on the extremely-expensive side) that said, no harm in sending an email.

Ultima Online's Box art always got me jacked the fuck up:

They've been out for six months or more, now. I think it's safe to say that PS3 and 360 are now last gen.

But in this particular case - a video showing stuff thrown out of the window to the ground - the vertical format is the better choice in my opinion. In horizontal mode you would have to pan up and down to follow the action. Paintings (and arcade video games) are not necessarily horizontal, right? Unfortunately very

Hows that different from everything else you'd have to learn to play competitively? It's just one more skill you have to master.

I think the left and right hops are more to keep you going straight, as opposed to turning you towards a wall.

That's not how electronics work, and I'm sure of it.

They CAN'T be analog.

he was even nice enough to add the improved analog stick to the N64 controller.

I think it's because Peach attacks with hearts.

I kind of agree with you. But you're showing the wrong controller:

And while they're at it, re-release the good ole Wavebird

The GC controller was amazing. You just have lame thumbs. Take your lies elsewhere! ):<