Trump says “create jobs”. LOL, even corporate CEOs have been up front about having no intentions to hire people, invest more in R&D or pay workers (other than upper executives) more with the windfall. None of those were even in their top ten.
Trump says “create jobs”. LOL, even corporate CEOs have been up front about having no intentions to hire people, invest more in R&D or pay workers (other than upper executives) more with the windfall. None of those were even in their top ten.
Incorrect, might want to check your own math skills before you try to criticize others. Or maybe just look at a vote total chart by state, you will find more than Michigan.
I had hoped that my nearly two decades of public service might carry more weight
You see, now with the current crop of the GOP running things you kind of have to go full Nazi to draw in the listeners. Her old schtick just isn’t interesting anymore when it is tamer than your average Tweet from the President.
Stein was the only candidate that is actually as far to the left as Republicans like to pretend your average Democrat is these days.
You mean “useful idiot”. Because she basically sealed Trump’s win.
That is suggesting this only happens once a day. You know how many Diet Cokes he drinks ...
Kelly, bring me something Obama did, my pen and a Diet Coke.
I’d love to, my mom watches Fox News all the time. I have begged her to at least mix in some other news, but she insists it is her choice and she wants to watch news she likes.
Hell already has an entire wing warming up for them, and Roger Ailes has already settled into his room there.
Liberals telling conservatives to not listen to Fox News is literally the absolute best way to make sure they watch it. Their life is consumed with pissing off liberals these days. They have nothing else, they know Trump is a train wreck, but he pisses off liberals the way Obama pissed them off - and to make it worse…
They are doing this because it is increasingly obvious Mueller is onto something big. Like going to take down many people including people they want to keep.
Pretty much. The GOP is making it pretty clear lately they will give him a soft landing, with Lindsey Graham laying it on particularly thick these days.
Is it just me, or does she sound like that loud woman at a party that had way too much to drink way too early and everyone is just trying to keep a low profile so she doesn’t notice you and start talking to/about you?
On top of Michael Jordan owning the NBA team in the very same city. Brown people owning things he can’t buy would drive Trump nuts.
That’s ok, Trump will just bring it up in front of one of his judge appointees eventually that got his knowledge of running a court from Law & Order.
And the FCC will override (with the GOP Congress’s help if necessary) it since ISPs cross state lines. We can’t have “state’s rights” if it isn’t a red state.
He saw that any holdout gets a couple news cycles of press. Hold out, get crumbs and be the headlines for a few days, then get right back in line like a good little GOP robot.
All Republicans live in a bubble. They get their news inside the bubble. They are only aware of circumstances that occur inside their bubble. Everything outside the bubble is “foreign” and likely “evil” and deserving of everything bad that befalls them.
Precisely my thought. Just because it is silicon, doesn’t mean it won’t have to be cleaned either. The thing is, people won’t remember to do that - they will just leave it there over time, growing all sorts of germs. You would remember to clean that towel, just pick it up when you grab the dish cloths and towels and…
Precisely my thought. Just because it is silicon, doesn’t mean it won’t have to be cleaned either. The thing is,…