
When you think about it, or look at it, or smell it, a fabric dish drying mat is a pretty gross idea

When you think about it, or look at it, or smell it, a fabric dish drying mat is a pretty gross idea

Yeah, the thing is that he definitely tried to like it. It just didn’t click for him. I’m in the same boat, I’ve bought it a couple times, really tried to get into it (I normally enjoy Zelda games, too), but it didn’t really work for me either.

I’m fully aware of what you are speaking, I lead and then helped run a top end guild several years ago, and still talk regularly to the guild leader (I don’t play WoW anymore). We used to laugh at the wannabe guilds that would try strategies mimicking top end guilds expecting similar results.

They didn’t come to light earlier because Moore made it clear to his victims he would destroy them if they did, he was powerful then and only got more powerful. Also, he had never been the focus of running for a national audience with that being the only election taking place on that day. When you have the whole

And that he had the ability to override the Constitution and the Supreme Court if he desired.

Yep. See why they like it?

Everquest was always unforgiving, they loved doing asshole things to people. Like making bosses just insta kill random people at set intervals in the fight, they did that all the way back to the original Nagafen and Lady Vox fights. It was believed at the time they wanted to basically make them unkillable and

The main issue for cutting edge guilds is they are making attempts massively under-geared for the encounter (the item level it was designed to be beaten with), often with only a week’s worth of loop propping them up. Mid range guilds will get their turn often after weeks or months of farming earlier bosses to gear up,

Now playing

To be honest, Omarosa is hardly sufficient to claim as a black friend for the purposes of pretending to not be racist. The black delegation long since traded her for draft picks and a box of paddle balls.

He looks like he has never ridden a horse in his life.

Who else thinks someone grabbed Trump’s cell phone and the Tweet was the work of one of the underlings. Far too tame given how much support he gave Moore.

No, they are there to interact with customers. And sometimes (us being human beings) that involves unpleasantness, particularly when you are trying to screw customers over their rights. She had every right to demand what she did.

“I have a ____ friend.” follows something incredibly racist.

Roy Moore is the Republican Party equivalent to “Hold my beer”. They have been trying to see what the limits are on how brainwashed their base is and where the apparently non-existent red line lies.

Sorry, but customer service jobs involve doing ... wait for it ... customer service. That includes following rules of your company and appropriate laws and communicating with customers. It does not mean you only have to deal with the happy customers.

She was was doing that because she was attempting to get them to follow corporate and legal policy concerning flights. They were trying to take the easy way out and not honor their own rules. They “harassed” someone that was just trying to be lazy and not deal with bumping the people that deserved to be bumped or

The difference is you are doing that as a courtesy. What she was doing is expecting them to honor her legal rights. People are not entitled to coupons, but they are entitled to certain rules upon being bumped on a flight.

And a two year old is not a baby. That’s a toddler. The sad part of this article is they are making this out as a statement against breast feeding a baby. You don’t strap in babies, but you do have to strap in a toddler.

It is the will of some American people. You know the backwoods racists that love Trump because he looks and acts all rich and stuff, and don’t take no crap from libruls and e-leets.

When did someone accuse Al Franken of rape? Because I must have missed that.