
She has a great career waiting for her over at Fox News now that she is free to explore other opportunities.

Dude, we aren’t insulting “her” (a made up video game character), it is a problem with how Kojima felt it necessary to insert a mostly naked woman, then claim it was for a good reason, then that reason be contrived made up bullshit. You wouldn’t be so righteous if they made Ocelot have hairy-dick-itis that required

Not true, Quiet’s outfit in the intro is perfectly acceptable and should have been that way for the whole game. Give her some scars/etc. to give her “character”, don’t invent a bullshit reason to make her mostly naked and spend the helicopter ride “presenting” to Boss.

There are a ton far more unrealistic things than that in the whole Metal Gear Solid series. Like using a small balloon to carry out a troop transport truck. But, it is all great fun and it hits the realism in the right places, and is much more lenient in areas that would drag the game down. It is not a simulator.

Now playing

The fact that the game has all of these ways to play is amazing, you can do quirky stuff, play super stealth or go all “America, FUCK YEAH” and all of them work. This video is hilarious:

That’s a thing with the hard right people, along with “won’t you please think of Chicago!”. They simply don’t get how racism works. It the new “I have a black friend”.

I imagine the previous 4 games are going to feel incredibly restrictive to someone with 5 as a reference. Particularly with the level structure in 4 and the focus on the storyline/long cutscenes that are mostly absent in 5. The first mission felt like an old Metal Gear Solid game, but once you get into the main game

Thumbs up for Hyrule Warriors, a really fun game that didn’t really get its due. Lots of replay value. Maybe not as great if you are worn out on Dynasty Warriors stuff or were expecting a more traditional Zelda, but still loads of fun. After the disappointment of Skyward Sword, the franchise needed something new.

Wow, that’s really bad. I mean there is no reason to be like that.

Fez was a decently fun game, I played it some, my son tried it as well. It didn’t really hold our attention. When he got all mad and cancelled Fez 2 because we didn’t “deserve it”, I really couldn’t have given less of a shit. I have a feeling he hit a

Yep, Scalia has often turned around his views when it is convenient for his pre-determined conclusion.

I can’t believe that’s all you want. There are so many gems on it worth playing, many that can be bought cheaply. Bayonetta 2, Mario Maker, Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart, Hyrule Warriors, Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, Captain Toad, Splatoon, the best version of Rayman Legends and the absolute best Lego game there is - Lego

There are enough fantastic games already out including upcoming ones to justify a purchase. Probably not as a primary console if you are a big gamer, but if you buy one today you can get a ton of fun out of one.

He could, but it isn’t in his nature. He does get better with MGS5, after the first episode from what I have played. I think his talents would be better used on a new franchise. There is no reason he can’t do a new military game and his storytelling would greatly benefit from the slate being wiped clean after several

Yeah - we already have a taste of that, Other M. Obviously not completely the same, but Metroid does NOT need cutscenes, it ruins the whole isolation aspect of the series. Samus operates on the fringe, alone and self reliant. The world tells the story as if unfolds by finding new locations, tidbits fed to you in small

I’m really enjoying MGS5. I’m so happy you get all the stuff he is good at, a hyper detailed, immersive world - but limited taking the control away to show movies. However, the overly long initial episode, while very exciting, I fear is going to turn off people that would really enjoy what the game becomes once they

Please, no. We know what happened the last time they tried to put cutscenes and a storyline into a Matroid game. Metroid is about a lone bounty hunter, operating on the edge - it is about loneliness and self preservation in a hostile environment. It does not need Kojima secret sauce.

Don’t worry, the original dropped in price incredibly quickly, I’m sure a remaster will fall even faster.

I think they handled the old cliche well. Instead of getting all bro, he flat out said “You ask, you buy”. None of this high five, fist bump shit. No, I’m not buying you a fucking beer.

That’s what I see in the new version, more anime like than Japanese.

Nah, British. Her location was England in SSF2, and even in that so-bad-it’s-good movie she had a British accent (with interaction from Capcom). I don’t know her story by heart, but isn’t she related to MI-6?