Walking to my job each day would involve me spending more time walking than working, not an option, not realistic, not feasible.
Walking to my job each day would involve me spending more time walking than working, not an option, not realistic, not feasible.
Now if you can get the crazy gun nuts to let you speak for gun owners instead of the crazy gun nuts, we might get somewhere.
Look, just own it gun nut. You don’t give a fuck unless it is your child that is executed.
Don’t worry, gun nut. Like I said, you won the debate when a classroom of children can be executed by someone that never should have had a gun and nothing happens due to a very vocal few, such as yourself. At least we know what’s really important to you guys.
12,000 a year. That may be no big deal to people to like you, at least until one of them is someone you know/love. Most people don’t have to have tragedy affect them to realize the insanity of our gun culture, but others need to actually stick their hand in the oven to figure out it will burn them. Good luck on the…
Yet you walk into the debate with those compromises against “no rules, no limitations, EVER!”.
Hardline stances are working really well for the gun nuts. They even have moderates like yourself on their side, huh? Logic!
We ban drunk driving, and people still drive drunk. Should that be made legal? Your gun nut logic indicates it should be. You don’t think real good, do you?
Great point! Let’s make drunk driving legal since obviously making it illegal isn’t working!
Hey man, I’ve got news for you - ANY discussion on gun limitations will shut that debate down. We are dealing with gun nuts that refuse ANY and ALL limitations. Everything is a non-starter and compromise is never an option, usually conveyed by shouting or carrying AR-15s into Walmart or the grocery store.
No, there really wouldn’t. We are going to need a whole lot more knifings before that happens, including a few where people take a knife into schools and kill 26 children and their teachers.
I am rolling my eyes. No one thinks it would be instant or perfect. You are the one making the point “100% or nothing”.
Let’s let someone assault you, you get to pick a gun or a knife, which do you pick? You pick the knife, unless you are fucking stupid, because you know you have a much better chance of survival.
Well a gun nut above supports getting rid of laws since banning is ineffective and you do as well in your third point. You need to reconcile your points - they are contradicting each other. You said making things illegal doesn’t help, yet you don’t want to get rid of the Amendments because they are so important. So…
Why have laws at all! Get rid of them all because people will break them! All better!
Stupid argument is stupid. Crazy person has a car, a knife and a gun. He is feeling generous and will let you choose his method of attack. Do you pick the gun? Only if you are stupid.
Bullshit. Would you rather be assaulted by a gun or a knife/bat? Obviously the bat/knife because you fucking known you would have a fighting chance. Not to mention two of the others would probably have gotten away. We would likely be talking about one injured and two scared otherwise unharmed others. At worst, one…
You offer gun buy back, recycling of the materials and offers to turn them into non-functional keepsakes for historical items. Destroy guns confiscated from criminals. Add significant aggravating penalties to the use of a gun while committing a crime. It would take time, no one believes it would be instant.
ANY conversation of doing ANYTHING shuts down any kind of discussion. No amount of pandering to gun nuts will get them to budge and consuming conversations of reasonable gun limitations. They step in, mock, shout and scream everyone else down. We walk in talking compromise and get every single thing taken off the…
It avoids them by not letting you play as flying Transformers. Apparently there are five playable characters, all Autobots (according to the Best Buy description). Autobots typically couldn’t fly without help anyways (at least until Skyfire joined them, but he was originally a friend of Starscream and a Decepticon).