
For what, being able to run a script? I hope intelligence agencies value talent much more than that. There is nothing technologically amazing these miscreants do. They don’t write their own hacks or trojans, they just rent out botnets to do their shit. Or they use readily available caller ID spoofers to call in

Of course it is from the movie, that is why it was awesome. I saw it in the theater when it came out in 1986. Twice. And many times since.

The credits from Fall of Cybertron had that song and were fucking amazing.

I was a big fan of the 70s/80s retro batsuit skin they had in Arkham City with the blue cape. It looked great.

Nintendo was adamant about battery life and cost. They didn’t do color until it was more affordable. They didn’t do backlight until they could include a rechargeable battery that would power it for long enough. The market simply wouldn’t sustain a system like that at the time.

If this is milking, then belly me up to the milk bar! Keep ‘em coming!

I don’t think they are trying to hard. They are making it entertaining and addressing the gore factor by going so far over the top it cannot be taken seriously. The more “realistic” it is, the more disturbing.

So you link a video from Mortal Kombat 2 as the “classic”? :)

The point is BOTH adult and kid opinions on family movies is relevant. Cars (and especially Cars 2) also doesn’t rank high because it goes too far to please the kids and leaves adults cold - the opposite problem of Wall-E. If you go into a family movie and only part of the audience is truly satisfied, how can it rank

Yep, and no figures have become hard to find. So waiting for a better deal hasn’t really been a game of chance as it is with Skylanders (and don’t even mention Amiibos).

So kid’s opinions on animated movies don’t count? And here I thought that was who Disney was aiming at with their products.

It’s not joking to insult someone’s kids. Those are fighting words, if you want to keep it civil and respect personal opinions, that should be step one.

It depends on who is watching. If you want a more adult drama with better visuals and an artistic feel, then Wall-E is clearly the best. It is a critical masterpiece. However, if you have young kids, as I do, Wall-E is one of the last Pixar movies that gets put into the DVD player along with Brave (and we have them

The whole Joker insanity stuff was the best part of the story. Mark Hamill really just captures the Joker so well. It was a great way to have more Joker in the game without it seeming forced.

The stash is a nice option, but making crafting stuff weightless is really nice and eliminates some of the need for a stash (or dropping things in some corner somewhere). It will also encourage breaking junk objects down into crafting components. I like books being split out and correctly marked as well.

Does Devastator come with a container for all the extra shit required to turn him into Devastator? I swear with all the extra stuff you have to add to them you could practically combine any six robots into a big one. I always liked Puzzler better (despite preferring Transformers to Gobots normally) because he didn’t

The art, sound and content guys aren’t going to be any good on the PC version. All of that is just fine, it’s engine and technical problems - and the number of people that can fix those isn’t large. They can’t just go “Hey you, the guy doing art for the DLC, come over here and fix these frame rate problems”.

City is definitely the high point, but I wonder if that is just because of the newness. I actually enjoyed Origins better than parts of Knight, namely the horrible way it forces driving on you. Some of the chases are fun (APC chases can be fun) but a few expect pinpoint precision and it honestly really handles

So then she planned to get pregnant again prior to being married? Precisely what she was paid to preach against, and that is supposed to be better? I think she is better portraying herself as an accidental hypocrite than a conscious hypocrite.

Yeah, many people have it already - the best value bundle this past fall was the Assassin’s Creed bundle. You could, however argue that the current headline bundle - the MCC collection - will now have a chance to also enjoy this great game they might have missed. And the best part is those that do have it are still