
Good info, I’ve got a feeling I’m going to want to go back to Witcher 2 I got for free is XBox Live Gold a while back for reference, but was concerned I would be getting into another huge game right away. Witcher 3 is like the rabbit hole that never ends, every time I go somewhere new there are more things to do that

And “tiny” is the very, very last word I would use to describe Witcher 3.

The game is amazing fun. I got it figuring my son might enjoy the single player mode which sounded fun. He hasn’t touched single player mode, he spends all his time in turf wars - he wad instantly hooked. The game encourages team work and has the best thought out anti-camper mechanic I’ve ever seen. If you sit in one

The game always surprises me with the outcomes of my actions. You frequently get unintended side effects from your decisions. Help a friend and you just might screw up his only chance of getting out of a jam. Track down a criminal and bring him to justice and his victim’s decisions on what to do might condemn himself

The boy has squid hair, it’s just tied up in a pony tail. Check out the Amiibo, the hair is actually tentacles just like the girl.

Dude, I’m not the person people were arguing with - it’s my first post in this thread - so I’m not sure why you are acting like I’ve been drilling you on this point over and over. Learn to fucking read usernames. All I said was it is a legitimate point. Maybe you need to calm down a bit, no one is attacking soccer, in

Not to disrespect soccer and all that (I think it is a great sport), but it isn’t a stretch to say in the US for the most part, people don’t care. When is the last time you turned on the local news and got the MLS scores? Or it came up on ESPN Sportscenter front and center and not some “in other sports” segment? I

I’ve had a couple crash to the XB1 desktop occurances in many hours playing, which is pretty minor. And as far as graphic “downgrades”, the game looks freaking fantastic and is great fun to play - and the story is so well done. I can’t say how many times I’ve made a choice I thought was sure to get me the response I

Yep, Sony first tried to claim technical reasons that they said interfered with the motion control on it (you know, that feature nobody ever used after the first few gimmick games like Liar failed miserably) despite motion working just fine with rumble on the Wii. Then they tried the “rumble is old technology no one

Yep, that’s the one :)

Honestly, after so many failures to get interest in the game, maybe what he needs is a $1 sale - people aren’t buying otherwise. Unless, of course, he knows it is bad and knows word of mouth from $1 purchasers would sink it - in which case he wants to cash in on as many rubes as he can get at full price based on

Flying is something that hardcore raiders want, so that is kinda contrary to your point. A hardcore raider doesn’t want to LOLRP there way on a ground mount of gryphon when they need to get to a raid. They would rather fly in and collect their herbs/fish/etc. for consumables and be done with it. There are no flying

Tell that to the herbalist or miner that just gets to watch you fly in and take their rare node or rare mob as they are fighting their way to it that it doesn’t hurt them. You can’t choose to not participate in a mechanic and still succeed when there are multiple people fighting over a limited resource.

People like different styles of games, claiming what you like is “correct” is silly. Some people like to walk around and do what they want. Others (like you seem) want something laser focused with no branching paths (like Final Fantasy 13 and many JRPGs). Some people prefer to build and create in games like Minecraft.

The TI-994A controllers did suck, but that version had one thing that the 2600, Intellivision, Colecovision AND the NES version didn’t have. It had the cement factory stage. The only thing it was missing was the springs on the elevator stage.

Kind of funny that this is the example shown, because a later kinda-sequel Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts had an issue when it first came out that text was unreadable on standard def TVs. It was one of the first offenders of the small text problem.

Yeah, I noticed this last night - and it is a huge problem for this game since there is so much that you need to read. I’ve got a 60” wall mounted and sit an average distance that has never been an issue much at all previously. It’s not like they don’t have the screen real estate to do it, it is an artistic decision -

He looks like he is taking a leak on her after smacking her to the ground. I wonder what the ending rating is going to be.

I wouldn’t go so far as saying he “deserved it”. But, I would say that it being considered a “sport”, the bull deserves to win every once in a while.

I’m kind of the same. There were more good games on the NES than Mega Man. Making a character that looks like a Mega Man character is not the equivalent of making it an NES game.