
Of course they would short print something to drive up demand, if they intended on making more or raising the price later. But the thing is here, most people who don't go to the lengths to get as Majora system will probably end up with a red or black one if they really want a New 3DS. So you are saying Nintendo is

Are you even attempting to use logic or are you just mad and want to vent? Intentionally shorting for what purpose? So they can sell more Majora systems they aren't making? I think you just want to feel like they are intentionally insulting because it makes you feel better.

Well, selling shit they don't have is pretty much the definition of pre-sales. I think your argument is against pre-orders in general, and I can certainly respect that. As long as they offer to sell things ahead of receiving stock, this is always a possibility. But, people like being able to reserve items like

Respects their customers? You think they don't want to sell it to them and instead give all those people $50 for their trouble? They apparently either made a mistake in their count, or likely just received their shipment at the warehouse from Nintendo and were shorted. The one thing the cannot do is make more

Heck ya, and every time I upgrade my system those Ambassador games make the trip along with me :) To bad Nintendo hasn't figured out how to do online very well, I guess I'll be doing an in store transfer ...

No, I've got a feeling you are slamming the keys at your keyboard for someone daring to disagree with on the Internet. For you to drop the "harassment" thing it is fairly obvious that you are upset, not in a laughing mood. And I have enough morals to say that a grown ass kid sitting at his parent's house committing

Sunset Overdrive is on my list, but I haven't played it yet. I got too many things at Best Buy's BF sale to worry about full price stuff yet, and we just got the XB1 for Christmas. It does seem very Idiocracy familiar, but I think that's the point.

Nope, not angry at all - in fact I'm laughing at you. I have a smile on my face.

No, Sony and Apple aren't bad - I have products from both of them (several as a matter of fact). I'm just saying Microsoft had a vision for the direction of this generation of consoles, to be an integrated entertainment experience with a lot of focus on online and digital content. Things like expansive Kinect use,

You do realize that 18 is not the legal age of adulthood in "all countries". For example, just today Kotaku posted another article about a teen commit crimes in Japan that was 19 and specifically stated he is still legally a minor there:

Wow, be a dick much? So I guess you missed the part where he had a long list of offenses going back quite a bit including PayPal theft? Two plus year investigation, Omari is 22, therefore 22 minus 2 equals ... wait for it ... 20 (or possibly even 19), therefore juvenile! Math is hard, yo.

Except fail at parenting. You are responsible for your kids, end of story.

Well in a way ... once kids figure out that yes, they can find you and you get Federal "pound me in the ass" prison time and not a sweet job in black hat security - a good bit of it will at least slow down. Kids/young adults do have a tendency of thinking of themselves as invincible, but they will avoid doing things

You "ship back a vastly larger quantity than you sale"? Ignoring the incredibly bad grammar from such an important "corporate employee", how are you accusing people of bad reading comprehension when you are saying you ship back more systems than actually get sold. That doesn't even make sense. I guess all those sold

You "ship back a vastly larger quantity than you sale"? Ignoring the incredibly bad grammar from such an important "corporate employee", how are you accusing people of bad reading comprehension when you are saying you ship back more systems than actually get sold. That doesn't even make sense. I guess all those

Heaven forbid Microsoft listen to fans and make adjustments to their technology and marketing strategy. Gamers are forever complaining that companies "don't listen to them". Microsoft is listening and making major adjustments to accommodate fan wishes and this is a bad thing?

You know, if you held off on the XBox One until the price went back up to $400, you really don't have anyone to blame but yourself. And most retailers have a long enough return period and policy that will let you get the difference back.

Calm down, Bro. I know it is hard to accept that your beloved Sony is now the most expensive console and it isn't just promotional, you just spent a year where the highlights were retreads of last generation, the performance gap is almost negligible now, your short term exclusive (Bloodbourne) just got delayed and

It's simple, the SD card isn't meant to be swapped out all the time. They provide a way to get data off, so what if it takes a few seconds more (certainly less time than sitting around cursing about not playing your games) - maybe the performance upgrades will make it faster? They made it changeable so people could

ROFL - "We are planning to bring more Marth Amiibos". And then you heard the collective cries of Amiibo hoarders.